Essential Etiquette for Walkaround Wine Tastings


Wine-tasting events are a fantastic way to explore different types of wines and meet fellow enthusiasts. Whether you are new to the scene or a seasoned taster, it is essential to understand the basic etiquette of wine tastings, as this can help enhance your experience. For some, the etiquette part can be a bit daunting. But you don’t have to worry because we’re here to help you.

In this article, we’ve put together a guide to help you in your next wine tasting, making it an easy and charming experience. From how to dress to the proper way to taste wine, these tips will help you navigate the event with confidence and grace. With this, read on and make your next wine tasting a memorable and enjoyable one.

Dress Code and Presentation

friends having fun drinking wine at winery vineyard

When attending a walkaround wine tasting, your attire and presentation play a crucial role in setting the tone for your experience. These events can range from casual to semi-formal, depending on the venue and the occasion. Here’s how you can dress appropriately and make a positive impression:

Understanding the Dress Code

Before you decide what to wear, look up the event details. The venue or the event invitation often gives clues about the expected dress code. Dress for the Occasion: If it’s a casual outdoor tasting, neat and comfortable attire like a summer dress or smart casual shirt and trousers would be suitable. For indoor or evening events, consider a cocktail dress or blazer and slacks.

Choosing the Right Attire

Wear clothes that allow you to move freely. Remember, you will be standing and walking around most of the time. Also, since wine tasting involves a lot of smell, it’s best to avoid strong perfumes or aftershaves that could interfere with the aroma of the wines.

Practical Aspects

Consider wearing darker colors or patterns that can hide any accidental wine spills. Comfortable shoes are a must, especially ones you can stand in for several hours. Avoid high heels on grassy outdoor venues.

Personal Grooming and Hygiene

Ensure you are well-groomed. This doesn’t mean over-the-top styling; a clean, neat look goes a long way. Since you’ll likely be holding glasses and shaking hands, clean, well-maintained hands are a must.


Choose accessories that are minimal and won’t get in the way. A small, hands-free bag or a pocket for your phone and tasting notes is a good idea. Some wine tastings offer necklaces or holders for your wine glass, which can be both stylish and practical.

When dressing for a wine tasting, aim for an outfit that is comfortable, appropriate for the occasion, and practical for the event’s nature. Remember, a big part of the enjoyment is feeling confident and at ease in your attire, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the wine tasting experience.

Understanding the Wine Tasting Process

women wine tasting at winery

Navigating a walkaround wine tasting event can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with how these events typically operate. Understanding the basic flow and process of wine tasting is key to enjoying the experience to its fullest. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect and how to approach it:

The Setup of the Event

Walkaround tastings usually feature tables or booths set up around a room or outdoor space, each hosted by different wineries or wine distributors. You’ll find a variety of wines available, often arranged from whites to reds and dry to sweet. Sparkling wines and special reserves might have their dedicated sections.

The Tasting Sequence

  • Start with Lighter Wines: Begin with lighter, crisper wines like whites or rosés. These won’t overpower your palate early in the tasting.
  • Progress to Reds: Move on to red wines, which are typically heavier and more robust.
  • Finish with Sweet or Strong Wines: Dessert wines and fortified wines like port are best tasted last as they are rich and can dominate your palate.

Tasting Each Wine

Expect to receive a small pour, just enough for a few sips. This amount is ideal for tasting and assessing the wine. Look at the wine’s color, swirl it to release aromas, smell it to assess the bouquet, and finally sip it to taste the flavors. Take your time with each step. Between wines, cleanse your palate with water or neutral food offerings like crackers. This helps in accurately tasting each new wine.

Spitting Wine

It’s completely acceptable and advisable to spit out wine after tasting, especially if you’re trying many different types. This allows you to remain clear-headed throughout the event. Discreetly use spittoons provided at each table. It’s a normal part of wine tastings and is not frowned upon.

Taking Notes and Interacting with Hosts

Many events provide tasting notes or booklets. Use these to track the wines you’ve tasted and your impressions of them. Jot down your thoughts on each wine, including aspects like flavor, aroma, and your overall enjoyment. Also, feel free to engage with the sommeliers or representatives. Ask about the wines, the winemaking process, or any specific details. Always express gratitude after tasting, even if the wine wasn’t to your liking.

By understanding and engaging in the wine tasting process, you not only enhance your own experience but also show respect and appreciation for the art of winemaking. Remember, wine tasting is as much about discovery and enjoyment as it is about the flavors in your glass.

Navigating the Space

a winery tasting room

Once you’re dressed appropriately and understand the wine tasting process, the next step is to navigate the space effectively. Walkaround wine tastings can get crowded, and knowing how to move through the venue can make your experience more enjoyable:

Arrival and Registration

Upon arrival, locate the registration area. This is where you’ll typically receive your wine glass, event materials, and any necessary wristbands or badges. Grab an event map if available. It will help you get a sense of where different wineries are located within the venue.

Moving Through the Tasting Area

Before diving into the tastings, take a moment to glance at the layout. Decide whether you want to explore methodically or go with the flow. Be prepared for some congestion, especially around popular wineries. Exercise patience and courtesy as you move through the crowds.

Managing Your Glass

Always hold your wine glass by the stem, not the bowl. This prevents warming the wine with your hand and allows you to see the wine’s clarity. If the event provides wine glass holders, consider using them. They free up your hands for taking notes or shaking hands.

Socializing and Networking

Wine tastings are not only about wine but also about socializing. Feel free to strike up conversations with other attendees. You might discover new wines or make connections with fellow wine enthusiasts. While socializing is encouraged, be mindful of personal space and the comfort of others. Not everyone may want to engage in conversation.

Water and Refreshments

Drink water regularly to cleanse your palate and stay hydrated. Most tastings offer water stations. Some tastings provide light snacks or appetizers. If available, enjoy these to complement your wine tasting.

Leaving the Tasting Area

When you’re ready to leave, make sure you return your wine glass if required. Exiting the venue politely ensures a positive, lasting impression.

Navigating the space at a walkaround wine tasting is all about being courteous, considerate of others, and making the most of your time. With these tips in mind, you’ll move through the event smoothly and focus on enjoying the wines and the company of fellow wine enthusiasts.

Socializing and Networking

tasting red wine in a cellar

One of the most enjoyable aspects of walkaround wine tastings is the opportunity to socialize and network with fellow wine enthusiasts, winemakers, and industry professionals. Here’s how to make the most of this social aspect while maintaining proper etiquette:

  • Initiating Conversations: Wear a friendly and approachable demeanor. Smile and make eye contact with others, signaling your willingness to engage in conversation. Starting a conversation can be as simple as complimenting someone on their wine choice or asking for recommendations.
  • Respect Personal Boundaries: While it’s encouraged to engage in conversations, be mindful of personal space. Not everyone may be comfortable with close proximity, especially in crowded venues. When someone is speaking, give them your full attention. Active listening shows respect and interest in the conversation.
  • Asking Questions: Ask fellow tasters about their wine preferences or what wines they’ve enjoyed at the event. This can lead to interesting discussions and recommendations. Encourage deeper conversations by asking open-ended questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”
  • Sharing Your Experiences: Share your thoughts on the wines you’ve tasted. Express what you liked about a particular wine and why. If you didn’t enjoy a wine, it’s okay to say so, but be tactful in your expression. Remember that taste is subjective.
  • Networking with Industry Professionals: If you have the chance to interact with winemakers or sommeliers, show genuine interest in their work. Ask about their winemaking process or any unique characteristics of their wines. If you have a meaningful conversation with someone in the wine industry and would like to stay in touch, consider exchanging contact information. Business cards can be handy for this purpose.
  • Appropriate Topics: While it’s natural for conversations to flow into various topics, try to keep the focus on wine-related discussions at a wine tasting event. Steer clear of potentially divisive subjects like politics or religion, which can detract from the enjoyment of the event.
  • Gratitude and Farewell: After engaging in conversations, thank the people you’ve interacted with, whether they are fellow attendees or wine professionals. When it’s time to leave, say your goodbyes gracefully and thank the hosts if applicable.

Common Faux Pas to Avoid

sommeliers at the winery

While walkaround wine tastings are a delightful experience, there are certain common faux pas that you should be aware of and avoid to ensure a smooth and enjoyable event for everyone:

  • Overindulging: It’s easy to get carried away when tasting multiple wines, but overindulging not only impairs your judgment but can also be disruptive to others. Consume alcohol in moderation. The goal is to appreciate and learn about wine, not to become intoxicated.
  • Hogging the Hosts: While it’s great to interact with winemakers and sommeliers, monopolizing their time can be discourteous to others waiting to engage. Allow others to have their questions answered and learn from the hosts as well.
  • Being Disrespectful: Avoid making negative comments about the wines or openly criticizing them. Keep in mind that taste is subjective. Interjecting into conversations or being overly loud can disrupt the experience for others.
  • Not Spitting or Dumping: If you choose not to spit out wine after tasting, you risk becoming intoxicated quickly. Always use provided spittoons or dump buckets. If you do spit, do so discreetly into the spittoon to avoid splashing or making a mess.
  • Not Following Host’s Rules: Pay attention to any specific rules or guidelines provided by the event organizers. This may include instructions on glassware, pouring limits, or specific tasting orders. Ignoring event rules can lead to disruptions and may result in being asked to leave.
  • Overfilling Your Glass: When serving yourself, avoid overfilling your glass. You’ll be tasting multiple wines, so smaller portions are sufficient. Pouring more wine than you can taste can lead to wine wastage.
  • Not Spacing Out Tastings: Take your time with each wine. Rushing through tastings may cause you to miss subtle flavors and aromas. Savor the experience, and don’t feel rushed to move from one wine to another.

By avoiding these common faux pas, you not only ensure a more enjoyable wine tasting experience for yourself but also contribute to a pleasant atmosphere for all attendees. Remember that wine tastings are about appreciating and learning about wine while respecting the space and enjoyment of others.


Mastering the essentials of walkaround wine tasting etiquette can make your experience more enjoyable and respectful. From dressing appropriately to understanding the tasting process, navigating the space, and socializing courteously, these simple guidelines can help you make the most of your time at wine events. So, next time you attend a wine tasting, keep these basics in mind and raise your glass to a great time with wine and fellow enthusiasts.

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