Everything You Need to Know About Spider Veins


The spider vein is the smaller version of, the more commonly known, Varicose Veins. They’re dilated abnormal blood vessels. Often times they’ll form in your legs. They come to be when the walls and valves of the veins start getting weak. When this happens blood then pools in the veins. The pooling of this blood eventually increases the vein’s pressure inevitably enlarging them. However, don’t get too carried away and worried if you have spider veins. They rarely cause major medical complications as such.

Here are a few things you need to know about them.

1. They Are Common

Around forty to forty-five percent of men and fifty to fifty-five percent of women all across the globe suffer from some kind of vein complication. The spider vein complication is one of them. However, they’re more commonly found on people above fifty years of age.

2. They’re Definitely Genetic

But wait just a second before you start going to blame one of your parents, grandparents and what not. These tendencies could have manifested from either one of them. It’s hard to be certain which exact parent gave it to you. In fact, it’s known to even skip generations.

3. Crossing Your Legs Does Not Cause Them

Neither does the fact that you often wear high heels and such. These are basically urban myths. The blood the pools in the veins is, in fact, more commonly caused by sitting and/or standing for long periods of time. The other notable causes include hormonal birth control, lack of regular exercise, smoking and obesity.

4. They Aren’t Just A Cosmetic Complication

One of the most common misconceptions concerning spider veins is that those that treat them are generally vain. However, even though most experts all across the globe agree that they’re not a major health issue as such, they still should not be ignored. Some common spider vain symptoms include swelling, fatigued legs as well as quite a bit of discomfort.

5. Yes, Men Have Them As Well

While most doctors will agree that about seventy to eighty percent, which is the majority, of the patients they treat with this complication happen to be women. Sometimes, they do get to treat men as well. The male species also suffer from this venous ailment and it’s not one that exclusively attacks women. The thing is that men are the ones most likely to ignore them and not seek medical assistance.

6. Modern Treatments Have Become Better Than Ever

Today’s treatments are quite advanced. That’s good news we’d hope, yes? Anyway, there’s no cutting, there are no scars and it takes very minimal recovery time. Most doctors even just perform the procedure in a casual office setting, away from hospitals and even going as far as trying to avoid the need for anesthesia. It does not in any way involve major surgery.

All in all, you don’t need to be too alarmed when you notice these veins on your body. Although, that doesn’t mean you completely ignore them as well. If you notice that they just won’t stop swelling and start causing you some considerable amount of discomfort, then that might just be your cue to seek medical assistance. Hopefully, you now know a little bit more about them.


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