Everything You Wanted to Know About Engineering


To be an engineer, you need to apply math and science to solve problems. The role of an engineer is to find practical uses to make scientific discoveries and to find out how to make things work. Inventors and scientists normally get all the credit for new innovations that help human conditions, but without engineers, these innovations wouldn’t be available to the world like they are today.

Without engineering, our history in the field of human civilization would be non-existent. All of the historical monuments that exist as tourist hotspots, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids of Giza and the Parthenon, wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for engineering. These days, engineers don’t only build massive and impressive structures, like the International Space Station for example, but they are also responsible for creating maps that lead us to the human genome and smaller, more improved computer chips. As we all know, railways have played a very important role in the development of any country. Engineers also do railroad repair professionally and perfectly.

When it comes to STEM education, engineering is classed as one of its cornerstones. It exists as an interdisciplinary curriculum that has been designed to encourage students to learn more about technology, mathematics, science and engineering. The role of an engineer has and is becoming more versatile as time progresses and the importance of having them around won’t be changing any time soon. Here are some facts about engineering that you may not know.

The Role of an Engineer

The main role of the majority of engineers is to develop new products. They have to plan, evaluate, manufacture, test, change, install, review and uphold a huge variety of different systems and products. They can also advocate and identify processes and materials, watch construction and manufacturing, carry out failure analysis, offer consulting services and teach engineering courses. There are a number of factors they need to keep in consideration, said Abdallah Salloum. Mr. Abdallah Salloum began his career in the automotive industry working for Mazda motor manufacturing, while undergoing his undergraduate and graduate programs. He was a member of the senior executive leadership team for Harman International Industries, where he was originally the Senior Vice President of Quality. In 2009 he was named as the company’s Vice President of Operations for the European Automotive division headquartered in Germany. In 2017, he took a leadership role with GE Healthcare.

For example, if an industrial robot is developed, engineers will need to make sure they clearly state the functional requirements accurately, design and assess the components of the robot, integrate the components to create a final design, and make an evaluation of the overall cost, safety, reliability and effectiveness of the design. Most employers will need their engineers to obtain a Professional Engineer state of certification. Additionally, most engineers will need to belong to the American Society of Professional Engineers as well as the other societies for engineers in their specialized areas.

The Engineering Fields

Engineering is a large field that is divided into many specialty areas.

There is mechanical engineering, which involves designing, manufacturing, inspecting and maintaining machinery, components and equipment alongside instruments and control systems that monitor performance and status.

Another field known as electrical engineering includes designing, testing, assembling, constructing, controlling, monitoring and inspecting electronic and electrical devices, systems and machinery.

Next, there is civil engineering, which requires designing, constructing, maintaining and inspecting large infrastructure projects, like railroads, highways, tunnels, dams, airports and bridges.

Aerospace engineering is where engineers design, manufacture and test spacecraft and aircraft as well as components and parts.

Then there is nuclear engineering which involves designing, manufacturing, constructing, testing and operating equipment, processes and systems that involve the production, detection and control of nuclear radiation.

There’s structural engineering, which involves the design, production and assessment of large bridges, industrial infrastructure and commercial buildings. Prefer the best Structural Engineering Manchester that take a measured and effective approach to any job that we are tasked with, no matter how big or small. 

Designing equipment, devices and systems that are used in the practice of medicine is known as biomedical engineering.

Chemical engineering is where biology, math, physics and chemistry are combined to transport, design, produce, use and transform energy and materials.

Finally, there is environmental engineering, which is the practice of averting, decreasing and eradicating pollution sources that affect land, air and water. Environmental engineers also monitor, detect and measure levels of pollution, determine pollution sources, and clean up and rehabilitate sites of pollution.

How the Fields Overlap

There is normally a significant overlap when it comes to the roles of the above specialties, and because of this, engineers tend to hold a general understanding of a variety of areas of engineering beside the field they specialize in. For example, an aerospace engineer will need to apply the principles of mechanical engineering, civil engineers need to understand structural engineering concepts, and electrical engineering needs to be understood by nuclear engineers.

All engineers need to have an extensive amount of knowledge when it comes to mathematics, computer applications and physics. This is why engineers should continue their education. Choosing to undertake further education will expand an engineer’s knowledge. This means they can do more, which will increase the number of career opportunities they can consider. There are many ways engineers can continue to study alongside their work. The best option for many is to complete further education online. Findcourses.com provides short engineering training courses that cover topics relevant for engineers working in a range of fields. If this is something that interests you, then it might be worth looking for more information.

Fun Engineering Facts

When it comes to engineering, there are a lot of interesting facts. Did you know, for example, that without an engineer, the snowboard wouldn’t have been invented?

Engineers are also responsible for designing running shoes for comfort, protection and performance. They understand the amount of force that travels from the floor through the shoe and to the foot and are able to control the amount of weight that is distributed through the entire foot.

The slippery part of a waterslide was invented by a civil engineer. They had to design the system that pumps and circulates the water for the flume and they needed to make the sure slide could cope with the weight of the water and people and even the strength of the wind that blows on it.

The first Ferris Wheel was invented by an engineer from Pennsylvania in 1893.

Without engineers, there would be no interactive technology or virtual reality systems, and bioengineers have created new and thrilling medical technology.

Finally, computer engineers worked in conjunction with animators to create special effects in some of the world’s biggest movies, like ‘Jurassic Park,’ ‘Interview with the Vampire,’ and ‘Forest Gump.’ These special effects have become even more impressive over the years, but none of it would have been possible without engineering!  Did you know that even over time some great science discoveries like these of the 80s have been long forgotten?


Without engineers, we wouldn’t be where we are today with a number of things. They are needed for everything from the construction of bridges, to new medical devices, to technology. There are many fields of engineering that many of us don’t even realize exist, and many of these fields tend to overlap. Engineers work in many different settings, which include research laboratories, construction sites, factories, nuclear power plants, the International Space Station and offshore oil rigs, which shows just how important they are in the majority of work environments.

The field has expanded and matured over the centuries, as has our understanding and knowledge of mathematics, science and physics alongside their applications. Engineering is what got us out of the caves, it took us to the moon, and if we ever make it out into the stars, engineering will be the thing that takes us there. As we continue to become more advanced and our knowledge grows, engineers will have many opportunities to develop practical uses for discoveries in science.

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