Exploring What It’s Like Studying in Australia


Going to study abroad is an exciting prospect, and once your mind is set, you can’t wait to dive into it and get the ball rolling, but there should be a few things you look into before making the journey to another country. We need to ensure that we have made the right choice about what we will study as it could be an expensive mistake if you want to turn around and come back after a few months, and we need to discover what it’s like studying somewhere like Australia.

It’s Massive – Prepare for Your Journey

Preparing for your educational journey to Australia is an exciting step towards broadening your academic horizons and embracing a new cultural experience. It begins with thorough research to find the university and course that aligns with your educational goals and interests. Understanding the nuances of the Australian education system, including its academic calendar, grading system, and classroom culture, is crucial for a smooth transition.

Essential preparations extend beyond academics; obtaining a student visa, securing suitable accommodation, and ensuring you have comprehensive health insurance are fundamental steps that require careful attention. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with Australian customs, culture, and the local area around your university will help ease the initial culture shock and set the stage for a rewarding study abroad experience. As you pack your bags, remember that this journey is not just about academic achievement but also about personal growth, making new friends, and exploring Australia’s unique landscapes and lifestyles.

It’s friendly – Build up Your Social Life and Networking.

Cultivating a vibrant social life and building a robust network are integral components of the study abroad experience in Australia, offering both personal enrichment and professional advantages. Joining university clubs, societies, and sports teams can be a fantastic way to meet new people who share your interests, facilitating friendships that can last a lifetime.

When choosing your accommodation, it’s worth having a look around; take a look at https://studentone.com/ for some premium student accommodation. In the long run, this could save you money, having free access to a pool, gym, games room, and cinema, all extras you would otherwise have to pay for.

Australian universities are melting pots of cultures, providing a unique opportunity to navigate and embrace cultural differences, enriching your global perspective. Embracing the social and networking opportunities that studying in Australia will ensure a more fulfilling and comprehensive educational experience.

Student in Australia

It’s Not Scary – Debunking the Australian Wildlife to be Dangerous

There’s one thing we all think about when we think of Australia, and that’s the wildlife; it’s known to be full of poisonous animals and creatures such as spiders and snakes, and that’s enough to put anyone off. But you’re saying it’s not that scary? In populated cities, it will be rare to find critters that will cause you any distress; this will happen if you explore the outback.

It’s Relaxed – Chill Days Ahead

This is in more ways than one when talking about Australia: the people and the general feel of the place that is usually chilled. A healthy mind and lifestyle are priorities for so many people that you won’t often find things causing stress. Even when discussing university work, it seems much more chilled out than in other countries.

There is a lot of flexibility when talking about the modules you’ve taken, and there isn’t much pressure to pass any exams the first time. Having a culture that isn’t negative around resetting exams means you can relax and try and do your best the first time, and no worries if you don’t, you can always retake it.

Work while Studying

Balancing work and study in Australia can be a rewarding part of the international student experience, offering a means to support yourself financially and an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and integrate more fully into the local community. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Permitted Work Hours: On a Student Visa (Subclass 500), you can work up to 40 hours per fortnight and full-time during semester breaks. This helps ensure that your work commitments do not interfere with your studies.
  • Types of Jobs: Students often find part-time jobs in sectors such as retail, hospitality, tourism, and administrative roles. Campus jobs are also a good option as they are more likely to be flexible around your study schedule.
  • Skill Development: Working while studying can help you develop soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and time management. It’s also an opportunity to improve your English language skills in a real-world setting.
  • Networking Opportunities: Part-time work provides a platform to meet new people and establish a network in Australia, which can benefit future job prospects.
  • Financial Independence: Earning a wage can help with day-to-day living expenses, reduce the need for financial support from home, and give you a sense of independence.
  • Legal Rights and Fair Work: Be aware of your rights as an employee in Australia, including minimum wage, work conditions, and workplace safety. The Fair Work Ombudsman’s website is valuable for understanding your entitlements and resolving workplace issues.

Maintaining a healthy balance between work and study commitments is essential to ensure that your academic performance is not adversely affected. Always prioritize your studies and seek flexible employment that accommodates your educational priorities.

Health and Safety

  • Health and safety are paramount for international students in Australia, ensuring a safe and enjoyable study experience. Here are essential aspects to consider:
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): It’s mandatory for international students to have OSHC for the duration of their visa. This insurance covers visits to the doctor, some hospital treatment, ambulance cover, and limited pharmaceuticals.
  • Understanding the Healthcare System: Familiarize yourself with how to access healthcare services in Australia, including locating the nearest medical centers, hospitals, and understanding how to make appointments. 
  • Mental Health and Well-being: Studying abroad can be stressful. Australian institutions offer support services, including counseling and mental health support. Don’t hesitate to use these services if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  • Safety on Campus and Beyond: While Australia is generally a safe country, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings, especially at night. Universities often have safety protocols and services, such as campus security and late-night transport services.
  • Emergency Services: Know the emergency contact numbers in Australia (such as 000 for police, fire, and ambulance services) and how to report an incident or seek help in an emergency.
  • Sun Safety: Australia’s UV levels are some of the highest in the world. Protect yourself from sunburn and heat-related illnesses by wearing sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses and staying hydrated.
  • Water Safety: If you enjoy swimming or plan to visit Australia’s beaches, familiarize yourself with water safety. Continuously swim between the flags at patrolled beaches and be mindful of marine hazards like rip currents and jellyfish.

Prioritizing your health and safety ensures a more positive and productive study experience in Australia. Institutions provide resources and support services to help you navigate these aspects, so take advantage of them.

Support Services

  • Australian educational institutions are well-equipped with a wide range of support services designed to help international students navigate their academic journey and life in Australia. These services are integral to ensuring a supportive, inclusive, and accessible learning environment. Key support services include:
  • Academic Support: This encompasses tutoring, study skills workshops, and writing centers to help you with assignments, exam preparation, and English language proficiency. These services aim to enhance your academic performance and ensure you meet your course requirements successfully.
  • International Student Offices: Dedicated to the specific needs of international students, these offices offer advice on visa regulations, work rights, health insurance, and can help you orient yourself in your new environment. They often organize social events and cultural activities to help you make friends and settle in.
  • Legal Services: Some institutions offer free or low-cost legal advice on matters such as tenancy rights, employment rights, and other legal issues international students might face.
  • Disability Support Services: For students with disabilities, support services include personalized learning plans, assistive technology, note-taking assistance, and exam accommodations to ensure equitable access to education.
  • Leveraging these support services can greatly enhance your study experience in Australia, providing you with the tools and resources needed to succeed academically, professionally, and personally.


You can do loads of research to solidify your decision to study abroad in Australia, and I would suggest doing as much as possible. Remember to look at the negative points about being there and the positives to give you the best idea of what it will be like, and you’ll be ready to decide. A tip for you: try to avoid driving at dusk and dawn. The kangaroos seem out in force now, and it’s hard to see them coming.

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