Famous TV Stars Who Smoke Weed


Weed, marijuana, ganja, or cannabis, call it what you will, but the fact remains that this once taboo substance has become increasingly mainstream in recent years. Though its legality is still a tricky issue in many parts of the world, a growing number of celebrities have been open about their love for weed.

And we’re not just talking about musicians or movie stars – even some of our beloved TV personalities have admitted to smoking a puff or two. From comedians who honor weed for their amazing sense of humor to dramatic actors who use it to unwind after a long day on set. 

This article takes a closer look at some of the most famous TV stars who have become an inseparable part of the cannabis culture. So let’s dive in and explore how cannabis has shaped some of your favorite stars’ lives. 

Seth Rogen 

Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen’s love for weed is well documented, and he has often credited cannabis for shaping his unique comedic persona. From his breakout role in Freaks and Geeks to his more recent successful stoner comedy movies like Pineapple Express and This Is the End, Rogen has always been vocal about his stoner persona. 

He’s even gone as far as to launch his own cannabis company, Houseplant, which offers high-quality strains and smoking accessories with unique and minimalistic branding. 

Rogen has opened up in interviews about how marijuana boosts his creativity and helps him tap into his comedic genius, leading to some of his most hilarious and iconic performances on both the big and small screens. 

But if you are not in favor of smoking but still want to experience cannabis’ holistic health benefits, CBD is the way to go. Take a look at CBD gummies we like for pain and to live a healthy life. 

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell’s bubbly and relatable persona has made her a beloved figure in Hollywood, and her open discussions about marijuana use have only put her on an even higher pedestal among fans. 

The actress, known for her roles in Veronica Mars and the acclaimed sitcom The Good Place, has admitted to enjoying a joint or two, especially during her college days. Kristen Bell has said on many occasions that weed helps her relax and appreciate the little things in life, perhaps contributing to her down-to-earth personality. 

Her willingness to discuss her cannabis use openly has made her fans go gaga over her, who appreciate her honesty and authenticity. She even started her own CBD brands to provide vegan, and health-focused CBD products for the masses. 

Megan Fox

Megan Fox

Who hasn’t watched Transformers growing up? Optimus Prime’s moving voice and Megan’s sultry persona on screen are etched in every action movie lover’s mind. The actress, best known for her roles in the Transformers franchise and New Girl, has been open about her use of cannabis. 

Fox has stated that weed helps her tap into her creative side and has even been spotted strolling at marijuana dispensaries by paparazzi many times. Even though her use of cannabis may seem at odds with her bombastic image, it has definitely contributed to her ability to own her authentic self and break free from the stigma of traditional Hollywood expectations. Who says you can’t be stoner and sexy at the same time? 

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus’ transition from Disney star to edgy pop sensation has been marked by her openness about her love for weed. The Wrecking Ball singer has credited marijuana for helping her embrace her true self and break free from the shackles of her child star image from Hannah Montana days. 

Miley Cyrus has incorporated weed into her music, performances, and public persona, even appearing on stage with a cannabis-themed outfit during her Bangerz tour. Her lovable approach to cannabis use has resonated with fans who have grown up alongside her, and it has likely contributed to her ability to push herself as a daring and boundary-breaking artist.

Miley is also open about smoking pot as a teenager during Hannah Montana’s shooting days. She used to remember the weed was her escape from the mundane routine of acting, going to school, and being back on set again. 

Jaleel White

Jaleel White

Jaleel White is known for his role as Steve Urkel on the hit 90’s sitcom Family Matters. In the 90’s His portrayal of the nerdy yet lovable character earned him widespread acclaim and made him a household name After Family Matters ended, White continued to work in television, appearing in shows like Grown Upsand and Me, Myself and I. 

He’s also lent his voice to animated series like Sonic the Hedgehog and Pinocchio 3000.

Though he is not as vocal about his cannabis use as some of his peers, White has acknowledged using weed recreationally. 

In a 2012 interview, he revealed that he had struggled with substance abuse issues in the past, including smoking pot. But he’s since gotten sober and has been open about his journey to sobriety, and his story shows a unique perspective on the potential pitfalls of drug use in the entertainment industry.

Andy Milonakis

Andy Milonakis

Andy Milonakis first gained fame in the early 2000s with his quirky MTV show The Andy Milonakis Show, which featured him playing an outrageous version of himself. Despite his youthful appearance, Milonakis was already in his late 20s when the show premiered, adding to its surreal and comedic appeal. 

Nowadays he has found success as a streamer on Twitch, where he’s amassed a loyal following for his unique brand of humor and gaming content. Milonakis has been open about his love for weed, often incorporating it into his comedy and online persona. 

During his early MTV days, Milonakis was known for his quirky mentions of stoner culture references, which added to his cult following among fans who appreciated his authenticity and genuine love for weed.

Key Takeaways

Wasn’t this fun? We hope you enjoyed taking an in-depth look at your favorite TV star’s love for weed. With time, cannabis has become much more mainstream and common, but back in the 90s, it was a struggle for common folks to keep their peace. TV stars and celebrities have played a crucial role in removing the stigma around cannabis use. 

Comedians, sitcom actors, and singers have made weed an integral part of their comedic routines and a substance for creativity enhancement. Stars like Tommy Chong, Snoop Dogg, and Seth Rogen are examples of how stoner culture has given rise to some of the best acts of comedy and entertainment. 

However, smoking weed comes with a risk of lung damage; hence, health-conscious people should try CBD products to experience the therapeutic properties of the cannabis plant. Just make sure to buy CBD from reputable brands like Colorado Botanicals and keep yourself hydrated. 

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