Fibroid surgery: what you must know


An estimated 20 to 80 per cent of women have uterine fibroids. Women in their 30s and early 50s are more likely to suffer from them. Most women have fibroids that are minor and don’t cause any problems. Large fibroids can be painful and may interfere with your fertility. Uterine fibroid is a growth in the uterus that may occur in women of childbearing age.

Uterine fibroids are benign (noncancerous) growths from the muscular tissue of the uterus. They are also known as leiomyomas or myomas and vary widely in size, shape, and location. They may be linked to the uterus via a stem-like stalk inside it.

What Are the Different Types of Fibroid Surgery?

If you choose to undergo surgery to treat fibroids, there are two options:

  1. Myomectomy
  2. Hysterectomy


Myomectomy is the surgical procedure for removing fibroids while keeping the uterus intact. As the woman retains her uterus, she may be able to conceive again. The conventional method is more critical since it requires a big incision that could be made through the belly button or in a horizontal direction along the bikini line. Certain surgeons may also perform laparoscopic surgery that requires smaller incisions and more precision. A myomectomy can preserve your uterus and ovaries. So those who would like to have children should consult the best Gynaecologist in Delhi NCR about potential complications.


In a hysterectomy, the uterus is completely removed. A hysterectomy is performed when other therapies have failed or are impractical when the fibroids are multiple or too enormous to be removed by other means. After a hysterectomy, a woman is unable to conceive; therefore, this procedure is usually indicated when a woman has completed her family. An open hysterectomy will require an incision of a significant size between the belly button or the bikini line.

The size of your fibroids will determine the type of Hysterectomy. Your doctor may be able to remove the fibroids through your vaginal canal if they’re small. However, they may need to cut your abdomen open if they’re unusually large.

Vaginal Hysterectomy is the procedure that most females choose. An in-vaginal hysterectomy involves removing the uterus surgically, wherein a small incision is made just above the vagina. There is no visible scar from the little incision. During a vaginal hysterectomy, the surgeon removes the uterus from the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the upper vagina, and the blood vessels and connective tissue supporting it.

Hysterectomy techniques that don’t require any incisions are called minimally-invasive procedures. It can take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes for a vaginal hysterectomy to be completed.

When Should You Opt for A Surgery in Fibroids?

Small fibroids may not necessitate treatment. Some women prefer not to get treatment if they aren’t creating any symptoms. As a result, they opt for a “wait and see” strategy. Treatment or surgery is an option if you have symptoms. A woman’s quality of life can be improved with surgical treatment if she has discomfort or pain.

However, surgery cannot be considered the ideal option when the patient is in her fertile period and requires her fertility to remain intact. Certain people suffering from fibroids can effectively combat symptoms with hormone birth control medications. Some women can manage their fibroid issues with painkillers and other strategies for managing the condition.

Therefore, patients should consult a physician about alternative treatment options before surgery. The doctor must also provide specific information regarding each surgery’s potential risks and benefits.


The recovery process after a Hysterectomy or Myomectomy may vary.

After the Hysterectomy, the doctors advise staying in the hospital for up to seven days. It may take about six to eight weeks to recover completely, even after discharge from the hospital. The time required to return to routine activities may depend on the type of Hysterectomy. It is expected to go into surgical menopause right after Hysterectomy; therefore, the doctor may prescribe some additional hormones post-surgery. Menopausal symptoms like vaginal dryness, mood swings or hot flashes post-surgery may be noticeable. In cases where the ovaries are not removed, the noticeable symptoms may include mild bleeding, and menopause will occur within five years. When ovaries are removed, vaginal dryness and loss of interest in sexual life can be experienced. You can resume having an everyday sex life once the heavy bleeding stops. You may experience pain, constipation, or trouble passing urine, a temporary effect that subsides within a few days. After you are discharged, ensure that you rest for a longer time so that your body can recover and avoid lifting any heavy objects.

After Myomectomy, the nurse will note if there is any vaginal discharge. You will be advised to perform your breathing exercises. You will be advised to go home that same day or need to stay overnight in the hospital. The doctor will provide you with essential pain medicines for your post-operative pain. To prevent the development of blood clots, your doctor would abstain you from moving around. The expected recovery time for an open myomectomy is up to six weeks at home. The recovery period is two to four weeks for minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopic Myomectomy. You will be allowed to return to work within two to six weeks (abdominal Myomectomy takes the longest recovery time), depending on the type of procedure. After two weeks, you should aim to walk for about 10 minutes every day unless advised otherwise by your gynaecologist.

Final Wrap

Surgery isn’t your only choice for treating uterine fibroids; there are some nonsurgical alternatives to surgery like uterine artery embolisation, endometrial ablation, Morcellation and MRI-guided procedures to treat fibroids. Surgery can be life-changing for those whose fibroids are interfering with their quality of life since it can improve several areas of their health. However, because all operations have some risk, it is critical to consider all treatment alternatives. A doctor can help you decide which procedure is right for you. Consider all your options carefully before settling on a course of action.



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