Financial and Investment World Changing in the 21st Century


The financial and investment sector has come a long way from its humble beginnings to the thriving financial and investment industry of the 21st century. Over the last twenty years, both financial and investment services have changed massively mainly thanks to the advent of the internet and impressive new, highly advanced technologies that do not only positively influence the financial and investment sector but every other aspect of modern life.

However, it was not a long time ago when the majority of Europe, America, and the rest of the world was rising out of the post-war depression. Back in the 1950s, the industry has gone through many changes and has taken many smaller steps to become what it is today. Going back in time to the 1950s or the Golden Age of Capitalism, this was a period that almost equally benefited the workers and the capitalists. This was also an era of unrivaled economic growth thanks to more job opportunities and higher wages.

Financial World in the Modern Era

Once the Great Depression was over, people finally started looking forward to the future through the eyes of hope. Back in the Golden Age of Capitalism, small businesses started thriving thanks to banking institutions being more open to loaning money. This gave people that much need opportunity to build their own businesses from scratch and become financially independent.

Fast forward seventy years later, the financial and investment sector is a much different place with cryptocurrencies offering new exciting investment opportunities. Speaking of cryptocurrencies, they are also changing the way online gamblers enjoy iGaming activities as explained in great detail at that also covers everything else regarding the crypto market, trending cryptocurrencies, and much more.

From the Golden Age of Capitalism to the Present Time

In the 1950s, the public was quite fearful for their finances and this does not come as a surprise considering the 1930s Great Depression and the 1929 Wall Street Crash. This has led to more people being focused on saving than investing. At the same time, people have easier access to mortgages and loans as the economy has just started to reactivate following those gloomy days. The 1960s decade also known as the Golden Age of Consumerism has paved the way for more self-made smaller businesses.

Back in the 1960s, the public had more spending power, greater financial stability as well as greater financial ambitions. The 1970s decade was marked by rising inflation mainly due to rising oil prices. This was also the time when the very first investments in the stock market were made. The Greed decade, the 1980s saw many people investing their hard-earned money in the stock market while the unstable financial system has led to massive increases in mortgage rates.

The advent of the Internet has led to the impressive diversification of investment and financial services in the 1990s. This period also marked the beginning of e-commerce and digitalized financial services. By the 2000s, the era of digitalized financial services was in full swing. Alongside digitalized financial services, new online services emerged as well following the 2008 market crash. One year later, the very first cryptocurrency emerged, Bitcoin the king of crypto.

The Financial and Investment World of 21st Century

One of the biggest changes to occur following the 2008 crash was the birth of Bitcoin that has opened doors to thousands of new cryptocurrencies that are traded today. The consumer experience in the 21st century is incomparable with the consumer experience several decades back. Following the birth of Bitcoin, revolutionary blockchain technology has also emerged. Many people have also changed the way they look at their personal finances.

It enabled everyone across the globe to benefit from a secure financial and investment ecosystem led by innovative services and products without the middleman involved. Traditional financial and investment services are also replaced by more innovative peer-to-peer investment and lending forms while the decentralized finance (DeFi) has already revolutionized and will further revolutionize the way people deal with their finances.

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