Find the Topics for Conversations and Start Looking for a Love via Loveforheart


Sometimes it is difficult for men to get along with women because they do not know the topics to talk about and the ones to avoid. Communicating by correspondence is not really easy because the interlocutor does not know what emotions the other person has. It might be difficult to understand whether the lady likes the conversation via Loveforheart or whether it is worth changing the topic of discussion.

Do it right this time!

It’s necessary to remember three techniques that will come in handy at the moment of acquaintance.

Construct the conversation correctly

A guy should talk to a girl only about the things he understands. Sincerity and openness are the keys to good communication, especially via Loveforheart because the chatting here is paid and really exciting. A conversation with a woman should have a structure and look like this.

  • Discuss the news. You can start a dialogue by discussing some events that are happening now.
  • Allow the interlocutor to speak first. Women are more sociable and emotional than men, so they need to express their emotions and feelings.
  • Get to the basic topic.

Adapt to the situation and let the flow of thoughts and words carry you in the right direction. Loveforheart is a perfect solution for those men who are looking for a kind-hearted woman and really want to find sincere and strong love. That is why you need to act sincerely and honestly in turn.


Do not rely entirely on prepared topics and do not be afraid of silence

Communication is a theatrical performance so don’t write hackneyed phrases. The girl will immediately understand that the dialogue is thought out in advance and will lose interest in the interlocutor. In this case, psychologists recommend enduring a pause in conversation as it will emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of the moment. There is no need to be afraid of silence for this reason. Moreover, a man can be sure that all the ladies on Loveforheart are real because the moderation team manually checks all the new profiles. Thus, real women will definitely be intrigued by such a pause.

Improvise while listening to the girl’s story

This skill will be needed when there is a resounding emptiness in the head. Women always say something interesting. The guy can take advantage of this and start a new topic for conversation. The website’s design is comfortable for usage so it will be really interesting to send and get messages. The interlocutor usually likes such a move and she will support the partner’s initiative. As a result, people will become more open and relaxed.

What can you talk about at the beginning of the interaction?

Here are the win-win topics that you can talk about with every girl.


Everyone has their hobbies, moreover, women are always trying new things focusing on self-improvement and development. The main task of a man is to find out what the interlocutor is interested in and how she spends her free time. Hobbies will fully reveal her and tell what kind of person she is. As a result, the man finds out what inspires the lady and evokes positive emotions in her.


Many people associate childhood with warm and pleasant memories. Girls perceive this time as a key role in their upbringing and development. The guy should be interested in what the woman was like in childhood, what she liked to play, what her parents taught her, etc. She will plunge into childhood and feel like a defenseless little girl. Such a method is good to see her childish side while chatting via Loveforheart.

This topic will become an important moment in companionship. The man should also share some funny stories from his childhood. This will demonstrate a high level of trust in a girl who will surely enjoy this emotional closeness.

Passions in music

Music is a neutral topic that will interest any woman on Loveforheart. Everyone has their own musical preferences, favorite genres, and directions. A man can ask what kind of music the interlocutor listens to and whether she attends concerts or festivals. You can also write about your musical preferences. Who knows, maybe the partners will have the same tastes. Such a maneuver can save when the topics of conversation are over.

Share your worldview

Worldview is a deep and complex topic. It shows people’s thoughts, values, and views on life. This kind of talking can bring people from Loveforheart closer. When the partners have common interests and goals in life, they have a chance to become a great couple. When the views of life do not match, it’s better not to continue the dialogue. Such socializing will not make the partners happy and will lead to separation after 2-3 months.

Questions that you can ask a girl at the time of acquaintance

  • What character traits attract you to a partner?
  • What do you dream about?
  • What does love mean to you?
  • What cheers you up?
  • What would you like to do but can’t?
  • What doesn’t suit you in life?
  • What do you pay attention to at the moment of acquaintance?
  • If you had $1 million, how would you spend it?
  • What do you value in people?

Of course, the list can be really very long because every person is an individual but you should not overdo it with originality. Extreme phrases and expressions can immediately scare away a girl.

What is better not to talk about?

Previous relationships

Previous relationships leave a negative experience for a person in most cases. It will be unpleasant for the girl to remember her former lover and talk about him. At the same time, psychologists do not recommend boys talk about personal experiences. Such a topic will be inappropriate at the beginning of an acquaintance.

Male topics

Some girls are not interested in listening to stories about fishing, cars, football, computer games, etc. Check out the detailed profile on Loveforheart, see the photo, description, and other data before writing the first message. If a girl does not understand anything about fishing, she will be uncomfortable and probably will not want to maintain such an awkward first conversation.

Talk only about yourself

Selfishness is the enemy of boys. Some men love themselves so much that they are ready to talk only about their person. In this case, the girl will feel redundant and lose interest in the interlocutor.


It’s better not to brag about successes and talk about your achievements. Guys should imperceptibly emphasize their best sides.

Health problems

Every person has problems but it is not recommended to talk about them at the beginning of chatting with a woman, otherwise, she will not want to continue the acquaintance.


Conversations regarding intimate topics at the beginning of online dating via Loveforheart belong to the forbidden category. A woman will not take a man seriously. She will start to think that he only needs to satisfy his needs.

How to properly end a conversation?

You can’t abruptly stop answering or remain silent so as not to appear rude. It is recommended to bring the dialogue to an end slowly. A woman herself will understand a man’s hint. If the guy doesn’t have time for communication on Loveforheart right now, he should tell the girl about it. In such situations, it is necessary to act carefully so that the interlocutor does not lose interest.



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