Finding a Foreign Bride: Your Ultimate Guide


Admit it. You’ve seen some photos; or maybe you spent time in a foreign country on business or vacation; perhaps a friend or co-worker has a beautiful and smart foreign bride. However the thought hit, you are now wondering how to go about meeting some of these pretty foreign women and maybe make one your wife.

Now all you have to do is figure out how to go about doing this. Well, we’ve got you covered on this one. Here is your ultimate guide for finding that foreign bride, bringing her home, and living your best life ever.

First Things First – Clarify Your Priorities

Identify what you want in a wife. This is a bit like shopping for something like a major appliance. What features do you want? Once you decide on those, then you are ready to look at what’s available.

Here are the criteria you need to think about:

Her physical traits

Foreign brides typically come from Europe (Eastern and Western), Asia, and Latin America. As you obviously know, their physical characteristics are very different, although they are all beautiful. It’s a personal choice which physical traits attract you most.

Her values

What are your values? You want a pretty wife but also one who shares the same values:

  • Do you want children?
  • Do you value your independence and freedom to pursue your individual interests and hobbies?
  • What are your spiritual beliefs and how strong are they?
  • Do you value education and intelligence?
  • Are you an extroverted social person or more of an introvert and “homebody?”

Make a list of your values and stick to it as you look for a potential bride. If you do this, you are far less likely to get distracted by other things during your search. Remember, this is not just a date, it’s a forever match.

Selecting the Platform You Will Use for Your Search

You have a couple of options here. 

A brokerage

These are all over the Internet, and they are tempting. These agencies promise to find you potential brides based on your criteria. You will pay an upfront, non-refundable fee with no guarantees. The “draw” is that they do the work for you.

Here are the problems with these agencies:

  • Many are outright scams. They present you with photos and descriptions of women who do not exist, take your money, and you never hear from them again. 
  • If they are legit agencies, you will have to jump through a lot of legal hoops including background checks (criminal and financial) – these are all under the IMBRA law passed by Congress in 2005.

An online international dating platform

There are literally hundreds of these. Some are sections of huge online dating websites; others are specific to region or country. Our recommendation is to go for the more specific foreign brides sites because there will be many more women registered on these. 

You still have a lot of work to do if you go at this on your own. As you access these sites, you will need to look for the following: 

  • Quality of the website design – it looks like professional developers have been at  work
  • Navigating around the platform is easy
  • The site offers features and services that you want – things like video chats and live-streaming
  • Prices are reasonable – You will pay for specific features
  • Security and safety – how are your personal and financial info protected? It better be via the latest technology and it should be clearly explained to you on the site.
  •  Solid reviews of the platform on trusted consumer-review sites and by professionals who investigate and provide reviews. Using a review platform that gives specific info on mail-order bride sites, such as is probably your best bet because they have done this research work for you. They will provide several top-rated websites based on their expert reviews. 

Be on the lookout for scams

If you are still determined to go it alone, look for these red flags that indicate a scam.

  • Prices for features are low compared to other websites
  • Pricing for services and features are vague
  • The website has sexual content, popup ads, and links to third-party sites
  • Customer support is not available by anything other than email
  • Profiles of the women on the site are all too similar

Registration and Profile Creation

On reputable sites, registration is free, as is the creation of your profile. 

Your profile will be seen and read by potential brides you will be communicating with. So, it is really important that it grabs their attention and motivates them to want to get to know you more.

Most of us are not so great with creative writing, but take heart. There is help. There are online resources that will help you. You can also take a look at profile examples and use those as you write your own. 

If you want a profile created from scratch, there are plenty of freelancers who will do it. Check out freelance writing sites. 

Let’s Talk Photos

Good mail-order brides websites will allow you to add a variety of photos. Think about what you want to show about yourself. A professionally done headshot is great for a resume and such, but not for a dating platform. Think about shots at work, with your friends, involved in some of your interests and hobbies. These are far more interesting and show a lot about yourself that may not have been covered in your profile.

Reminder: No suggestive or inappropriate photos – a reputable website won’t allow it.

Choosing Types of Communication

The good online websites offer all sorts of ways to communicate with your choices. You will pay for each feature you decide to use, but there are usually packages to buy. Here are the typical choices:

  • Email/Messaging: you can email and message back and forth, and this may allow you to learn more about a potential wife but probably won’t be enough
  • Phone calls will let you hear their voice and their tone of voice as they respond to your questions and comments.
  • Video chats go one step further – you can observe their nonverbal expressions and gestures as you talk.
  • Live-streaming gives you the chance to show yourself in action as you go about your day and night and show so much more than mere still shots.

A word about conversation topics. Begin with light topics, often called ice-breakers. These are designed to make you both comfortable before you get into deeper conversations about things that will matter if you plan on a life together. If you are unsure about icebreakers, you can find examples of these online.

Another tip: Be a good listener and ask open-ended questions that will let her speak to her values, goals, and dreams. You want to know if those match yours.

And still another: Be fully honest. Exaggerating things to impress never works. The real you will ultimately come out, and it causes a lack of trust right from the beginning of a marriage.

You’ve Found the One – Now You Arrange the In-Person Time

So, you’ve both decided that you are right for each other. But no final decision will be made until you actually spend some time together. You have two options. You can bring her to you as a tourist. The benefit is that she can get a feel for what life will be like in her new country and with you.

Or you can visit her in her environment. This will also give you the opportunity to meet her family and to ease any concerns they may have.

Maybe you can do both. This gives you two opportunities to ensure that what you have is the real thing.

Do some research on the costs of these trips and set a budget so you are certain you have plenty to do all the things you want.

In the end, you will need to get a K-1 visa to bring her home and marry her. And remember that, at the time of application, you must document that the two of you have been physically together within 90 days prior.

Wrapping It Up

This guide has proved to be a successful process for anyone seeking a foreign bride. If you carefully follow each and every step, you will find your bride and begin your amazing journey of marriage and happiness.

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