Five Australian Off Road Tracks You do not Want to Miss


The rugged terrain to be had in Australia makes for an exciting and stunning off road experience. You get to see the country at its best while also getting the thrill of an exhilarating drive. If you like the idea of going off road, you need to make sure that you have a suitable vehicle for the trip and you need to decide which track, or tracks, you want to explore.

If you do not own a vehicle that is capable of making the trip, you can check out sites like DriveNow where you can get rental options on a variety of different vehicles. Once you have this sorted, you can plan your trip. Here are five of the best Australian off road tracks, to inspire you.

Canning Stock Route

The Canning Stock Route runs a total of 1,800 km, from Wiluna to Halls Creek. Allow yourself around 16 days to complete the entire journey. Before you travel this route, you should understand that it’s about as remote as it gets. You are not going to pass through towns along the way. For this reason, it’s best to take the trip with a group of people, 2-3 vehicles in total. This way if anything happens to one vehicle, there is help at hand.

Old Telegraph Track

The Old Telegraph Track, or Cape York Track, is in the tropical north of the country. It runs for a total of 848 km and you should allow yourself around 24 days to complete the trip. Water plays a major part in the trip, as there are several river crossings, as well as water holes where you can stop and take a swim. Be prepared for driving almost vertically when entering some of the river crossings, so you need to make sure that your vehicle has all-terrain tyres that are in good condition.

Victoria’s High Country

This route that takes you through Victoria’s high country is 306 km long and runs from Mansfield to Harrietville. It takes around 3 days to make the entire trip. The views are stunning and it’s interesting to pass through old abandoned gold mining towns on the way. It’s worth noting that there are some very steep sections on this route, especially the famous Billy Goats Bluff.

Gunbarrel Highway

This track, which runs from Wiluna to Yulara, is 1,420 km long, and takes around 4 days to cover. In order to travel along the track, you need permits from the Ngaanyatjarra and Central Land Councils. You also need to be an experienced off-roader as the terrain is extremely rugged. There are some bush camps along the way, but it’s a testing and exhilarating experience.

Hay River

This track follows the path of the extinct Hay River, and takes you through some very remote terrain. Allow yourself 9 days or more to complete the entire journey which covers 928 km and make sure you have the required permit in place. It’s a good idea to start your trip in Birdsville in September, so that you can take in the racing festival before you set off. You should also use all of the amenities while you are there as there are no towns along the route.

Each of these off road tracks has something special to offer. Choose a route that is most appealing to you, and make sure that you have a suitable, well-maintained vehicle to drive.

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