Green Foods that Pair with Lobster for a Festive Feast


Whether you’re aware of it or not, lobster is actually served as a traditional Christmas food in the areas where it is fished. That’s because there’s a winter fishing season for Atlantic lobster, which means that it’s the perfect time to take advantage of freshness, in order to get the best taste possible. Search for lobster near me and have it delivered in the comfort of your home. There’s nothing like a traditional food to really bring the feeling of the holidays into your home.

Now that you can get live Maine lobster delivered overnight to anywhere in America, your family can also take part in this festive delicacy. The secret to lobster at Christmas, however, has everything to do with the preparation. That’s because it’s so easy to create a culinary masterpiece that puts the red and green colors of Christmas on full display.

Tis the Season for Red and Green

As one of the world’s most cherished culinary delicacies, lobster makes a perfect complement to rich holiday eating, and the best part about it is that whether you boil, steam, barbeque or grill it, lobster always turns out to be bright red. All you need to do is to gather a few ideas for green foods that can pair well with that bright red color, and you’ll be able to make the perfect hors d’oeuvres for your holiday party.

Various Leafy Greens

Any variety of cooked greens can be used to provide a rich green color to pair with lobster. The best part about using greens is that they are very pliable, so that you can easily create a festive design on the plate. Imagine, for example, a bed of greens in the shape of a tree, garnished with red lobster meat for ornamentation. A few of the best options include:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Collard Greens
  • Swiss Chard

Each of these choices will provide a different flavor that will pair wonderfully with lobster, so it’s really all up to your taste preferences.


Steamed, fried or boiled asparagus provides a delicious sweet flavor and a delicately soft texture that pairs wonderfully with lobster. The shape of asparagus allows you to imagine a few more decorative options, such as garnishing a whole lobster with boughs of holly.

Brussels Sprouts

These tart and delicious little bites will provide your Christmas lobster dinner with the perfect luxurious complement while also allowing you an alternative shape for decorating your plates. If you opt to roast your Brussels sprouts, the sugars will caramelize into a little nugget of flavor.

Deciding on which green vegetable suits your Christmas dinner best will depend on your tastes. While they all offer a rich variety of taste, every option also provides a healthy and natural option that suits the rich flavor of lobster very well. The real trick to pairing lobster with a green food is to either find a produce seller that can bring you excellent quality green vegetables or to find food that you can prepare well from frozen.

Now that you can also take advantage of the freshest lobster possible, try adding it to your Christmas meal.

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