Health Considerations With Tobacco Sticks: What You Need To Know


In today’s health-conscious society, it’s increasingly important to be aware of the impacts of various lifestyle choices, including the use of tobacco products. Tobacco sticks, which are often marketed as a contemporary substitute for traditional smoking, have seen a rise in popularity. Despite their modern appeal, these products carry significant health considerations.  

This article explores these concerns, offering valuable insights for anyone considering or currently using tobacco sticks. 


Tobacco sticks, such as those from Terea and other reputable brands, are uniquely designed and composed of several key elements. These elements work together to create an experience similar to smoking traditional cigarettes but with some differences due to the heating rather than burning of tobacco. 

  • Processed Tobacco: This is the core ingredient. The tobacco is ground, reconstituted, and formed into sheets or sticks. It’s designed to be heated rather than burned. 
  • Non-Tobacco Materials: These can include various ingredients for flavouring, moisture retention, and binding the tobacco together. These materials are often proprietary blends specific to each brand. 
  • Filter: Similar to traditional cigarettes, many tobacco sticks have a filter attached. This filter can be made from cellulose acetate or similar materials and is designed to cool and clean the aerosol generated during heating. 
  • Outer Wrapping: This is a paper or similar material that holds the stick together. It’s designed to withstand the heating process. 

The exact composition and proportion of these elements can vary depending on the brand and type of tobacco stick. 


The chemicals in tobacco sticks vary depending on the brand and specific product. However, they generally contain a range of substances found both in the tobacco itself and in additives used during manufacturing. Here’s an overview of the types of chemicals commonly present: 

  • Nicotine: The primary addictive substance in tobacco. Nicotine is naturally occurring in the tobacco plant and is the main reason tobacco products are addictive. 
  • Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines (TSNAs): These are potent carcinogens found in tobacco. While the levels of TSNAs might be lower in heated tobacco products compared to traditional cigarettes, they are still present. 
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Generated during the heating process, PAHs are a group of chemicals that are known to be harmful. Their levels are typically lower in heated tobacco products than in smoked tobacco. 
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These compounds, like benzene and toluene, can be found in the emissions from heated tobacco products. 
  • Formaldehyde And Acetaldehyde: These harmful aldehydes can be produced during the heating of tobacco. They contain carcinogens and are present in many forms of smoke and vapour. 
  • Heavy Metals: Trace amounts of heavy metals like cadmium, lead, and mercury can be found in tobacco sticks. These originate from the soil where the tobacco is grown and can accumulate in the body over time. 
  • Humectants: Chemicals like glycerin and propylene glycol are added to maintain moisture in the tobacco and to aid in the formation of aerosols when heated. 
  • Flavorants And Additives: Various flavouring chemicals and additives are used to enhance the taste and aroma of tobacco. These can include menthol, sugar derivatives, and other flavouring agents. 

It’s important to note that while heated tobacco products are often marketed as less harmful than traditional cigarettes, they still contain harmful chemicals and are not risk-free.  

The Impact On Health 

The impact of tobacco sticks used in heated tobacco products (HTPs) on health is an area of ongoing research. While these products are often marketed as less harmful alternatives to traditional cigarettes, they are not risk-free. Here are some key points regarding their health impact: 

  • Reduced Exposure To Some Toxins: Compared to traditional cigarettes, tobacco sticks in HTPs generally produce fewer toxins and carcinogens because the tobacco is heated rather than burned. This reduction in the production of harmful combustion products like tar and carbon monoxide can potentially lower the risk of some smoking-related diseases. 
  • Presence Of Harmful Chemicals: Despite the reduction in some toxins, tobacco sticks still contain harmful substances, including nicotine, tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other carcinogens. The long-term health effects of exposure to these chemicals through HTPs are not yet fully understood. 
  • Nicotine Addiction: Tobacco sticks contain nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco. Nicotine addiction can be as strong as addiction to drugs like heroin or cocaine. This makes quitting difficult and can lead to sustained use of tobacco products. 
  • Cardiovascular And Respiratory Risks: While there may be a reduction in some risks compared to smoking cigarettes, using tobacco sticks still poses significant cardiovascular and respiratory health risks. The impact on heart disease, stroke, and lung conditions needs further study, but the presence of nicotine and other chemicals suggests continued risk. 
  • Cancer Risk: Although the levels of some carcinogens are reduced in tobacco sticks, the risk of cancer cannot be ruled out. Reduced exposure to certain toxins may lower the risk compared to traditional cigarettes, but it doesn’t eliminate it. 
  • Impact On Non-Users: The aerosol produced by HTPs contains nicotine and other chemicals, posing potential risks to bystanders through secondhand exposure. While the impact may be less than traditional cigarette smoke, it is still a concern, particularly in enclosed spaces. 
  • Public Health Concerns: There are concerns about HTPs potentially attracting non-smokers, including young people, due to their marketed image as being “safer” or due to flavoured options. This could lead to new nicotine dependencies. 

While tobacco sticks in HTPs may offer certain benefits over traditional cigarettes in terms of reduced exposure to some harmful combustion byproducts, they still carry significant health risks, primarily due to the presence of nicotine and other toxic chemicals. 

The Bottom Line 

While tobacco sticks in heated tobacco products may offer reduced exposure to certain toxins compared to traditional cigarettes, they still contain harmful substances, including nicotine and carcinogens.  

The potential health risks, such as nicotine addiction, cardiovascular and respiratory issues, and cancer, remain significant concerns. Therefore, it’s important for individuals to weigh these risks against perceived benefits, especially given the ongoing research into their long-term health impacts.

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