Here’s Everything You Need to Learn About Perfect Curved Hem T-Shirts for Men


T-shirts are a staple in every man’s wardrobe. This piece of clothing is extremely comfortable, easy to style, and versatile. Now, there are different types of t-shirts available on the market that men can buy. No one can deny the importance and beauty of a plain solid t-shirt. But if you want to get more trendy or stylish, you can choose to buy different styles of t-shirts, such as a curved hem t-shirt.

You must have seen many people wearing curved hem t-shirts nowadays. These t-shirts have gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. If you have one in your drawer, you can easily notice the unique features and hemline of these t-shirts, among other shirts. It has become a signature daily outfit for a lot of guys. And many more want to learn more about this type of t-shirt. If you are also one of them, this post is for you.

Here is everything you need to get familiar with curved hem t-shirts. This post will also help you understand what makes these t-shirts so attractive and perfect.

#1. Their shape

There are various variations of shapes in curved hem t-shirts that give the indication of how to wear them. That is why you should pay attention to the hem of your t-shirt before buying it. The features and evenness of these t-shirts in the back and front mean that you should not tuck them in. This is applicable even if you are buying a polo shirt. But if you buy a curved and uneven hemmed shirt, you should consider tucking it in. However, many people leave them untucked, which does not look bad either.

#2. Their length

When it comes to t-shirts, you can not ignore the sheer size. The length plays a major role in making a perfect curved hem. Curved hem t-shirts are a combination of baggy t-shirts and long t-shirts. That means hem tees have extra-long tails along with a form-fitting feature. This gives you the freedom to find a way to wear these t-shirts according to your personal style. In addition to this, the length of a curved hem t-shirt also tells whether you should tuck it in or not. But if you are looking for a classy street-style look, you should leave it untucked.

#3. Their durability

There is no denying that we all want our favorite t-shirts to last forever. However, that is simply not possible, no matter how good your t-shirt is. There are various factors that affect the durability of a curved hem t-shirt. These include –

  • The knitting of the t-shirt you buy. If you prefer tucking in your t-shirt, it should withstand the stretching.
  • The fabric quality. A lot of people prefer buying pima cotton tee shirts because of their high quality.
  • The quality of print.

These are some of the things that make a great curved hem t-shirt. These t-shirts are versatile, and you can even wear them with different types of trousers, such as slim-fit chino pants. You can buy your favorite chino pants and hem t-shirt at Perk Clothing.

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