History of Garland, Texas


Introduction to the Texan city of Garland

Garland is the name of a city located in the state of Texas. Garland used to be part of the Peters colony area before. It eventually acquired its present name based on the surname of one of the former residents of Cleveland named Mr. Augustus H. Garland, in 1887. Several immigrants have already stepped into the area since 1850. The place is located at the northeastern part of the downtown Dallas. Nowadays it is one of the most industrialized places in Texas.

Rival communities: Embree and Duck Creek

Twenty years after the discovery of the land in 1850, many people were already occupying it. But still, there was no official community in its place so it remained as a nameless city in the whole period of 1874. In 1875, a huge increase in the number of its population was recorded. And few years later, two separate communities were organized in its area and such groups had different plans for their homeland.

One of the two communities which were present in the area of Garland, Texas during that time was Embree. And the other one is well known as Duck Creek which was named after a local creek. The towns of Embree and Duck Creek became bitter rivals. The main cause of their conflict was the extreme desire of the two communities to acquire the new post office in their place. The authorities suffered from several kinds of problems due to the conflicts caused by the disagreement by the members of the two communities.

The unification of Embree and Duck Creek communities into one city — Garland

In response to the conflict between the Embree and Duck Creek communities, the authorities decided to construct the post office in the boundaries of the two different areas that were occupied by the two communities. This proposal successfully put the conflict into an end. The new post office led to the unity of the Embree and Duck Creek communities. And in the whole period of 1930s, several businesses started to operate in the area of Garland, Texas, making the area one of the fast growing cities in the area of America during that time.

The city’s progress through the years

The new businesses helped the residents of Garland to improve the economy of their city in a very efficient way. The city experienced a lot of success in 1940s and 1950s. But in the period 1960, the residents suffered from the negative effects of a very serious crisis which was a result of the World War II. However, the fast growing number of population in its area helped the residents of Garland to manage the crisis more effectively and their strategy worked. The residents of Garland didn’t fail in reviving the good economy of their place during that time.

Several improvements were added in Garland in the whole period of 2000s. Today, several public works, businesses, sports facilities, and entertainment establishments are already available to provide opportunities and quality life for its residents. Some of Garland’s present-day commercial establishments and public constructions are apartments, train stations and golf courses.

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