History of Gaming Company Mojang


Mojang was established in Sweden back in 2009. It is a Scandinavian video game creator. The company earned a lot of fame for developing one of the best-selling and most popular games in the world – Minecraft. 

Who is The Founder of Mojang?

Mojang was founded by Markus Perrson, a half-Swedish and half-Finnish man who lives in Stockholm, Sweden. He was born on June 1, 1979, and as soon as he was able, began to develop games. His first game was created when he was a text-based adventure game and he created it when he was only eight. He retained his love of programming for many years until he decided to found Mojang with another man named Jacob Porser. Markus immediately put into production a game he originally would call “Cavegame” but would later be changed to the very popular worldwide game called Minecraft. Markus likes to be called by his Minecraft username ‘Notch’.

How Did Mojang Get Started?

The programmer and designer Markus Perrson showed interest in video games from an early age. He used to play several pirate games on his home computer and learned programming when he was 8 years old with his sister’s help. 

Following his graduation and working as a website developer for a few years, Markus developed MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) ‘Wurm Online’ in 2003. His colleague Rolf Jansson was also a part of this venture. They chose to work under the title Mojang Specifications.

The game started generating profit under the name Mojang Specifications AB. However, Persson decided to leave the project but wished to keep the name. Hence, Jansson retitled his company Onetoofree AB and then Code Club AB. On the other hand, Markus joined Midas and developed 25 to 30 games.

Markus Perrson started working on a game developed by Zachtronics – a clone of Infiniminer. Later, he reused the parts of an engine code from his earlier project and launched the alpha version of the video game, now known as Minecraft. He reused the title Mojang Specifications for this project.

It took less than a month for Minecraft to generate revenue. By May 2010, Persson was able to get off his day job and concentrate on the project fully. 

First Game – Minecraft 

The first-ever game created by Mojang was Minecraft in the late 2010. Initially, the game was created for the computer, then they made it available for mobile users, and then finally for Xbox 360.

Minecraft was designed to submerge a player into a sandbox world where the only limit was the player’s imagination. Minecraft is a complete sandbox game where there are now three game modes, survival, creative, and hardcore.

  1. Survival is where every mob, or monster, in the game can hurt you and you have to survive by building houses, mining resources deep under the ground, and planting food. In survival the resources are limited, so you must come up with creative ways to restock those resources and keep playing the game.
  2. The second gamemode, creative, is where you are basically the god of the world. You have unlimited resources, access to flight, and special in-game commands that allow you to do anything you want, whether that builds a huge castle, or shows off special machines built with a material called Redstone.
  3. The final gamemode, hardcore is only for the players who desire an even greater challenge than survival. Hardcore thrusts you into a world where you only have one life, you regenerate health slower, and the mobs are significantly more powerful. If you die even once in hardcore, your world is automatically deleted from your game, never to be seen again.

Other Game By Mojang – Scrolls

Mojang developed another game soon after Minecraft was released. It is called Scrolls, and Mojang aimed to create a new type of game that combined themes and elements from board games with strategy and tactics, to create the perfect world of war. Scrolls involve the summoning of fantastic creatures, spells, enchantments, machines of war into the game to battle it out with your other rival players and friends. You can summon creatures, whose variety ranges from powerful human warriors, to terrible demons and beasts of the wild.

Sci-fi Game – Cobalt 

Mojang collaborated with another gaming company called Oxeye Game Studio in the creation of a new sci-fi game called Cobalt. Cobalt is a game where you fight as small robots in an arena. This may sound like your average shooter game, but it is most definitely not. A very cool feature about this game is that when the bullets approach you, time slows down around you, allowing you to do fantastic leaps and dodges around the arena.

Project 0x10c

Notch, as a separate side project, recently began working on a new game called 0x10c. This was meant to be a similar game to Minecraft, except it would be more of a sci-fy version that included planets, smooth space to planet transitions, and space stations. Unfortunately for the gaming community, Notch decided to go to other things because he got bored with working on 0x10c. However, a version of the game might still be released as a hardcore group of fans are currently working on the game, building on how they think Notch might have designed it himself.

Mojam Charity Competition 

Mojam 2013 is the name of the annual charity competition in which 6 gaming companies were challenged to make a game within 60 hours. Besides Mojang, other participants were Ludosity, Grapefrukt, Vlamber, Oxeye Game Studio, and Wolfire Games. 

Companies were able to make their games before the 60 hours deadline. Mojang created Nuclear Pizza War, Battle Frogs, Endless Nuclear Kittens, and Nuke the Dinosaurs. Whereas Ludosity created Space Hunk, Grapefrukt made Tektonik, 3918 was created by Oxeye Game Studio, Wolfire Games made Low-Light, and Vlamber created Wasteland Kings.

All the created games were available for download to those who donated charity to Mojang. After the competition, Mojang was able to raise 478 thousand dollars for charity. Every game was downloaded by a huge number of users.

Moreover, Markus goes on a server from YouTube with many celebrities. He competes with different teams and players in the game which gets recorded and later uploaded on YouTube for the audience to enjoy. The donated money while playing the game goes to charity

Acquisition by Microsoft

Mojang entered a new chapter in its history when it was acquired by Microsoft. This acquisition, completed in November 2014, was a significant event in the tech and gaming world. Here are key details about Mojang, its acquisition by Microsoft, and the implications of this partnership:

Microsoft’s Acquisition of Mojang

  1. Acquisition Details: In September 2014, Microsoft announced its plan to acquire Mojang for $2.5 billion, with the deal finalized in November 2014.
  2. Strategic Move: This acquisition was part of Microsoft’s strategy to expand its gaming and mobile presence. Minecraft, with its vast user base, offered a significant opportunity for growth and integration into Microsoft’s ecosystem.
  3. Leadership Changes: Following the acquisition, Markus Persson and other key Mojang executives left the company. Microsoft appointed a new leadership team to oversee Mojang’s integration and future direction.

Post-Acquisition Developments

  1. Growth under Microsoft: Minecraft continued to grow, expanding its user base and launching new versions, including updates for Windows and integration with Microsoft’s Xbox gaming platform.
  2. Educational Initiatives: Microsoft leveraged Minecraft in education, launching Minecraft: Education Edition, which is used in schools around the world to teach subjects like history, math, and coding.
  3. Technological Advancements: Under Microsoft, Mojang has been able to utilize more resources for development, leading to advancements in game features, graphics, and cross-platform play.
  4. Community Engagement: Microsoft has maintained Minecraft’s community-driven approach, continually updating the game based on user feedback and engaging with the community through events and online platforms.

Implications and Impact

  1. Broader Reach: Microsoft’s global reach has helped Minecraft become more accessible worldwide, including in emerging markets.
  2. Continued Innovation: With Microsoft’s technological prowess, Mojang has continued to innovate, introducing new game mechanics, virtual reality support, and expanded multiplayer capabilities.
  3. Cultural Impact: Minecraft’s influence has extended beyond gaming, impacting areas like education, social interaction, and creative expression.

The acquisition of Mojang by Microsoft marked a significant moment in the gaming industry, combining Mojang’s creative talent and Microsoft’s technological and marketing resources. This partnership has not only ensured the continued success and growth of Minecraft but has also highlighted the potential of video games as tools for learning and creativity.

Final Thoughts

Mojang, originally a small independent game studio from Sweden, rose to global prominence through the unprecedented success of Minecraft, a game that redefined the sandbox genre and became an integral part of popular culture. The studio’s journey, marked by creativity and innovation, demonstrated the potential of indie game development in shaping the gaming industry. Minecraft, with its unique blend of exploration, creativity, and survival mechanics, attracted a diverse audience, transcending age and cultural barriers, and established a new paradigm in user-generated content and community-driven development.

The acquisition of Mojang by Microsoft in 2014 was a pivotal moment that signified the immense value and potential of the gaming industry. Under Microsoft, Mojang has continued to flourish, with Minecraft reaching new heights in terms of technological advancements, educational applications, and community engagement. This partnership has not only ensured the continued evolution and expansion of Minecraft but has also underscored the significance of strategic collaborations in the tech world, merging Mojang’s creative expertise with Microsoft’s technological and global outreach to set new benchmarks in the gaming landscape.

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