Holiday working: The Top 5 Countries to Work For Digital Nomads


Why work in a dark and dreary office when you could be on the beach somewhere?

As home-working becomes more popular, many people are ditching their home offices and moving abroad for the ultimate work-travel experience. Some countries like Croatia and Malta are even offering impressive benefits to any digital nomad that considers transferring there to work permanently.

In fact, one of the major perks of working remotely is that you can choose to live anywhere in the world with just a laptop optimized for remote workers. So if you’re trying to ditch your own desk job and move overseas, what are your options?

In this guide, we’ll be exploring 5 of the top places for digital nomads to work and travel. If you’re looking to add some travel to your work-life balance this year, this is the list for you!

Saving on Travel

If you’re planning on heading abroad, don’t forget that there are some easy ways to save on your travel plans. offers not only low ticket and flight prices, but you can even combine one of their discount offers with a free online coupon code for extra savings.

Take advantage of one of these promo codes featured on this page to book a ticket to any of our top remote working destinations! Just don’t forget to apply your coupon at the checkout page to enjoy your discount.

Top 5 Work From Wherever Destinations

1. Malta

Dream of working part of the day and then hitting the beach? Then the tenth smallest country in the world might just be for you! Malta is an island in the Mediterranean and it has a lot of great lifestyle factors that make it attractive for digital nomads.

Not only is Malta relatively safe and has good political stability but it also has some beautiful natural attractions like beaches that you can visit in your spare time. If you’re looking for a vivid social culture you might want to try another country, however. Malta scored a measly 10 out of 100 in the social life category due to its low number of social attractions per inhabitant.

2. Japan

If you can get over the culture shock, Japan is a great country for digital nomads. The country scores well on the social life scale thanks to its numerous museums, cultural centers, clubs, and bars. Japan also enjoys mild weather meaning you can spend plenty of time outdoors.

One thing to note about working remotely in Japan is the vast time difference. If you need to stick to an American or European time schedule it might be difficult for you. Freelancers that don’t work set hours or digital nomads with lots of flexibility will have an easier time.

3. Spain

Spain has always been popular amongst artists and digital nomads and, thanks to some new tax breaks, it’s become all the more enticing for remote workers. With an impressive history, cultural landscapes, and gorgeous beaches to visit, it’s hard to run out of things to do while staying in Portugal.

If you’re not feeling living in a major cultural hub like Barcelona, you could always try moving to one of the many remote Spanish villages. Rent is incredibly cheap in the Spanish countryside while Wi-Fi is reliable throughout the entire country.

4. Romania

If you’re looking for an incredibly affordable place to get your work done, why not check out Romania? Romania offers you the opportunity to experience a unique cultural and historical heritage for one very budget-friendly price!

Beach lovers need not apply since Romania’s average daily temperature is quite low. If you don’t mind skipping out on the beach, Romania offers a number of other historic, social and adventure-fueled activities to help you pass the time.

5. Portugal

Portugal is another great location for people looking for a remote-working haven that won’t blow their budget. Portugal has even launched Europe’s first remote working village with perks like free working space, free Wi-Fi during working hours, and free access to Slack.

When you’re not at work, you can enjoy Portugal’s immense natural beauty, its lively beaches, or one of the many historic villages in the country.

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