How Brain-Computer Interface Technologies Can Be Used for Medical Purposes?



Let’s think of a future where people can use their minds to control devices. So this sounds like science fiction; right? The truth is, it isn’t. Brain-computer interface is coming sooner than anyone can imagine.

When combined with other solutions like EEG headband, brain-computer interface technology can:

  • Measure brain activity and
  • Solve some health issues.

The different brain signals can be translated into commands that control an effector, like controlling a computer cursor. This piece of content focuses on the EEG-based brain-computer interfaces’ fundamental concepts. Let’s read on to unearth more.

How Does a Brain-Computer Interface Work?

Sometimes, scientists or researchers attach brain-computer interface electrodes to an individual’s scalp. And in some cases, medical experts put implants into patients’ brains.

Scientists and researchers target different brainwaves depending on the results they want to obtain. The BCI-based EEG headband system then reads and interprets the signals of the brain and converts the data into commands.

These commands produce an action like moving a robotic arm. For instance, medical experts who use BCI-based EEG headband to convey data into text would require a brain-computer interface that translates the brain signals into text.

Are Brain-Computer Interface Systems Being Used for Medical Purposes?

Brain-computer interfaces are transforming from the theory level to real production. Scientists are testing them on individuals for a range of applications in the health sector.

Recently, scientists implemented a medical device to activate difficult-to-reach areas of the brain known as sulci. Due to this, individuals can feel their fingertips, and some scientists say that brain-computer can help reverse paralysis.

In 2022, a medical expert installed an implant known as Synchron’s Stentrode into an individual with ALS (amytrophic lateral sclerosis) through the neck. Another procedure was done to connect the implant to a device in the chest.

So what was the objective here? It was to help the person who cannot speak and move to communicate. The system helps the person to put ideas into text which users can read and interpret perfectly.

What is the Future of Brain-Computer Interface Technology?

Medical experts are already using this technology. However, they aren’t yet mainstream. Many applications are in study settings or single-use. As scientists discover more, BCI devices could be used by patients for daily use.

While new devices are being created, including the likes of BCI-based 4 channel EEG acquisition system, some are being tested on others. Scientists are working on algorithms to boost the accuracy of the data collected and used. As scientists test, regulatory bodies provide much-needed guidance.

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