How do the Employment Laws Apply to Remote Employees?


Do your remote employees put in extra hours despite getting paid for it? Are certain remote employees receiving less than the basic wage? To stay out of legal danger, your company has to be on alert for these warning signs. Although it’s impossible to measure the advantages of providing a safe workplace, a loving and happy atmosphere will inevitably result in improved production rates.

A labor law, commonly referred to as the employment act, explains the company’s responsibility to provide for the welfare of its workers. The laws serve as a foundation to protect your workers, whether they are contract workers, in-office employees, or remote employees. These laws vary from region to region. You can look for payroll outsourcing in UAE to get to know such laws in any of the emirates or consult experts like FAR Consulting Middle East.

Some of the goals of such laws are as follows;

  • Promoting equality and compensation.
  • Diversity in the workplace.
  • The physical and psychological health of employees.
  • An enterprise breaching the law by failing to comply with labor laws is improper on the side of the employer and will have legal repercussions.

Payroll outsourcing in UAE is a great choice in a case when you are not fully familiar with employment laws as payroll outsourcing companies in Dubai handle all of that on your behalf.

Before the epidemic, the legislative situation regarding remote employees

As a result of the statutory need that workers operate for a certain employer at a defined place (i.e., the employer’s company estates as specified in its commercial work permit), working remotely is a relatively new idea in the UAE. While the MOHRE (Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation) has endorsed working from home for onsite UAE national coworkers since 2017, there wasn’t prior acknowledgment of the practice for overseas workers. The main employment legal frameworks all across the emirates {all freezones and onshore including the ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Market) and DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre)} do not include the idea of teleworking.

When the Emirates government implemented a slew of policies to prevent the transmission of coronavirus in March of the same year, the situation changed quite a bit. Workers in the UAE’s public and private sectors were now obligated to work in remote locations, whenever it was practical.

What is the position in court following the Coronavirus pandemic?

As a reaction to the Coronavirus pandemic, the MOHRE published a Transient Handbook Governing Remote Work in Private Institutes as an annex to Ministerial Resolution no. 279 and resolution no. 281 of 2020 was passed, which explicitly grants an employer the authority to demand that workers work from anywhere along with other drastic gauges[1]. They look out at different areas like;

Remuneration and maximum hours, payroll: these laws protect an employee’s fundamental rights. Businesses should exercise caution when enforcing certain obligations, such as;

  • basic salary
  • Payroll taxes and additional tax obligations
  • payday often
  • Compensation for Expenses
  • Paycheck delivered prematurely

To manage it all you should look out for payroll outsourcing in UAE. You can assure accuracy and efficiency in the whole process by taking payroll services in UAE into account.

Rule on Employees’ Liability: Employees’ compensation coverage must be registered by businesses in the worker’s worksite, not the business’s. If a workplace accident or illness occurs, both employees and employers are covered by employees’ compensation insurance. Naturally, one could only make that assertion if the occurrence was brought on by work-related obligations. In such a tragic event in the workplace, workers’ compensation insurance also pays death benefits to the worker’s lineage.

Are Remote Employees Subject To Workplace Policies?

Those with teleworking agreements are subject to all workplace rules. Considering it;

  • To preserve fairness throughout the company, you should deal with all employees similarly, whether they work remotely, in the work area, or as contract employees.
  • It’s a good idea to read the instruction manual through the eyes of a remote worker. Simplify any clauses that you think the remote workers could find confusing.
  • You might also think about including a distinct section on working remotely that covers topics like ensuring data protection, providing them with capital and technical assistance, and proper workplace conduct.

Are Labor Law Posters Necessary for Remote Workers?

Employees who work from home must still comply with posting rules. These posters should be digitally forwarded via mail to your remote staff by you as the administrator. For posting at distant work sites, managers can also distribute paper copies to remote employees. Download the labor law posts from the federal and provincial web pages, then verify what regulations apply to your employees based on the workplace. You can also seek help with payroll services in Dubai when you lack an understanding of various employment laws in the UAE.

Choose the Best Services

By payroll outsourcing in Dubai, you can get relief from law coherence and compliance whether you are working with on-site employees or remote employees. Having an expert at your back is always a better option when it comes to diverse labor and employment laws. For the most reliable payroll services, contact our experts today.


“Temporary Guidlelines of Remote Work for Private Sector Establishments Attached to Ministerial Resolution for 2020”,, accessed 2 Dec 2022

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[1] “Temporary Guidlelines of Remote Work for Private Sector Establishments Attached to Ministerial Resolution for 2020”,, accessed 2 Dec 2022.

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