How many types of job can I expect to do over my lifetime?


As a college student, you are always worried about life after school. Will I get a well-paid job after graduation? How will my career growth journey be? Will I land a job that I love? These are a few questions you may wish to have answers to. But have you ever thought about the number of jobs you might have to take before landing your dream job?

Unlike in the older days, landing employment today is not that easy. The job marketplace’s competition has become very stiff. And, employees no longer last in one job as long as they did before. It is unfortunate how insecure employment in private sectors have become. One day you are hired and the next, the company is downsizing—you are laid off. The more secure government opportunities are scarce. As a result, a person may be forced to hop from one company to the other in search of stability.

A study by Forbes shows that employers still prefer experience to education. As a fresh graduate, this may force you to take up any employment opportunity (contracts or part-time) that may arise to build up your experience. These may include remote work in fields such as transcription, freelance writing, and data entry tasks that are on the rise.

And for you to progress, you may need to change types of jobs from time to time. This does not necessarily mean moving from company to company. Look at it this way. Even when working in a certain organization, every promotion will come with a different job description. You will need to keep on learning. So, exactly how many jobs should you expect to do in your lifetime?

According to a recent study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a person should expect to have an average of 12 to 15 jobs between the ages of 18 and 48. For some, it takes having to work in a certain job to discover they don’t like it. And to get to their dream career, they may have to go back to school and take a completely different line of study.

Others use their transferable skills such as strong communication skills, or analytical skills to land their dream job. Or, some may later realize a passion such as singing or drawing and turn them to be their sole source of income. Regardless of your current position at work, you will need to learn how to stay relevant in your workplace. It will help you grow in your career and to stand out among your workmates.

However, it does not matter how many jobs you do over lifetime rather it is the progress you make while there. Look at each occupation as an opportunity to grow and build yourself. Keep on learning – go back to school if you need to. You will be a valuable asset for every company you set foot.


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