How Much do Electric Bikes Cost


For those of you that are considering buying an electric bike, you want to be well informed when it comes to the purchasing price. Electric bike sales are skyrocketing towards 1 million units annually in the US, meaning that there are more companies selling e-bikes and competing for customers. With so many e-bike options available, you might be wondering, how much do electric bikes cost? The price of a standard e-bike without any special features can be as little as $1000 to over $10,000 for premium bikes. When picking out the ideal e-bike for you, choose a product that comes from a reputable business and offers a lot of value for the price.

Mokwheel is a company that provides customers with high-quality e-bikes at the best possible price. Both their Tor Plus and Upland Plus models are priced at just $1,699. These rider-friendly bikes are priced well below those of competitor bikes that come with similar or lesser features. Here are important factors that make Mokwheel e-bikes a great value for the price.

  • Power and performance capabilities. The size and power of an e-bike’s motor and the battery are important factors when it comes to the overall price. Most low-cost standard electric bike motors come with 250W power, and the standard e-bike battery is 10Ah and allows you to travel 20 to 40 miles per charge. Mokwheel bikes come with a powerful 750W hub motor and a 16Ah lithium-ion battery, letting you go faster and farther per charge. Their bikes allow you to travel 45 miles on just one charge and the premium batteries have a quick charging time of no more than 6 hours.
  • Quality parts and components. You want to purchase an e-bike that is made to last. Mokwheel products are made from high-quality parts meaning that your e-bike should stay in top condition for a long time and is less likely to break down. Mokwheel’s e-bikes are constructed with a sturdy frame, large all-purpose tires, and seating with extra cushioning. They provide you with bikes that are safe and easy to ride across all types of terrain with maximum comfort.
  • Warranty and additional features. A reputable company will stand by its products. Mokwheel is so confident in the quality of their e-bikes that they come with a 2-year warranty, meaning that you can save money on repair or maintenance costs. Mokwheel bikes also come with some luxury features including an adjustable handlebar, 7-speed Shimano shifter, front and rear fenders, and a friendly UI-LCD odometer. This gives you more options and flexibility for easily riding either of their e-bike models.

How Much do Electric Bikes Cost

When it comes to determining how many electric bikes cost, you want to examine these important factors. Standard mainstream e-bikes in the US are selling from $1,500 to over $4,500. Mokwheel’s bikes are priced at the very low end of this range but have added features, upgrades, and guarantees that put them well ahead of the competition. Mokwheel is dedicated to customer satisfaction and has a promotion going on that will save you $150 on your e-bike purchase. If you are looking for a well-made e-bike that will give you the best value for the price, then check out Mokwheel’s great products today!

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