How Much Money Do You Get for Donating Eggs? A Helpful Guide


You’re thinking about donating your eggs? How exciting!

On average, women are born with anywhere from 1-2 million eggs. Choosing to donate some of your eggs, means giving a happy couple the power to start a family. But aside from egg donations, some couples also consider surrogacy as their last resort to have a baby. Read our comprehensive guide about the surrogacy process.

If this is your first time, you might feel strange asking about compensation. However, the truth is, you should be able to talk about everything relating to egg donations before you become a donor.

How much money do you get for donating eggs? Don’t wait to find out. Read on to learn everything you need to know about compensation for egg donors.

How Much Money Do You Get for Donating Eggs?

There’s no flat fee when it comes to egg donor compensation. Instead, a variety of factors will all play a part in determining how you’re paid.

How much money do you get for donating eggs? Here are a few of the factors that will affect your compensation:

  • Number of donation cycles
  • Your age
  • Physical and mental health
  • Where you donate
  • Ethnic background
  • Travel requirements

The agency you choose will play a big part in determining the amount of compensation you receive. It’ll also be up to the agency to decide how your payment schedule works. If you live in an area that has a lot of donation agencies, then you’ll have the benefit of competition driving up your compensation.

Expenses Paid by Intended Parents

Intended parents, are the ones who will be receiving the eggs you donate. Here are some of the expenses that intended parents will pay directly to the agency:

  • Deposit
  • Psychological evaluation
  • Agency fee
  • Legal agreement
  • Donor compensation

In some cases, intended parents will also pay donors directly for additional expenses. For example, if an intended parent wants the donor to undergo genetic testing, the intended parent would cover this cost. Finally, as you look into how to become an egg donor, it helps to know what agencies are looking for.

What Programs Are Looking for

Education is a major component in determining the monetary value of your eggs. The higher your education, the better your chances are for receiving more compensation.

If you’re currently attending an ivy league school, or you graduated from one in the past, you may see your compensation skyrocket! Don’t worry though, having a higher education is only 1 of the ways you can get more money for your eggs.

Agencies will also look at your physical traits when determining your compensation. For example, they’ll be taking into account your eye color, height, and overall health.

Good BMI is also important. Your BMI is your body mass index, and most intended parents will pay more for donors that are in shape.

Feel Confident in Your Choice

Now you have an inside look to the question, “How much money do you get for donating eggs?”. We hope you were able to learn at least 1 new thing about the donation process.

Whether you’re looking for ways to improve your life, give to others, or both, we’d love to help! For more answers to some of life’s biggest questions, read another one of our articles.

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