How The Financially Savvy Are Saving Money On Their Car Repair Bills


Car repairs are very annoying, especially when you have to pay for something that you could have easily prevented. Unfortunately, if the car breaks down, you end up having to pay a repair bill that is never not going to impact your personal finances.

Fortunately, there are different ways in which you can save money as you need car repairs. This is how the financially savvy to it.

Do Some Repairs Alone

Not all repairs have to be done by a car mechanic. One thing that you might not know is that most car repair shops generate the largest part of the profit through the small, simple repair. One of the best ways to save cash as you need car repairs is to educate yourself. get authentic Toyota parts online and do it yourself.Any car owner can change the battery, change wiper blades, repair brake lights, change the filter and even change the oil. All of these, together with other small repairs can save you hundreds of dollars.

Take Advantage Of Car Warranties

Most car parts have a lifetime or a limited warranty. You need to be aware of this and you have to check the receipt of the warranty to see exactly what is covered and what is not. One of the easiest ways to save some cash, especially when you have an older vehicle, is to use extended warranty. For instance, look at Olive’s Ford extended warranty options.

You might think that you lose money since you spend extra on the warranty. However, in the long run, you save cash since the repairs that are done while you are covered by the extended warranty policy are covered by the insurer.

Use Used Parts

Many car parts will last a lifetime if they are not affected by specific circumstances. This means that there are countless used car parts that you can use with confidence that nothing bad will happen. In fact, car owners can easily end up saving hundreds on repairs when they look for used parts and do not rely on ordering new car parts.

Avoid Dealerships

Logic dictates that the best deals are available at car dealerships when it comes to repairs. However, this only applies in the event that the car is under dealership warranty. If this is not the case and you go to the dealership, you end up paying a lot more than you could.

The best thing that you can do once the dealership warranty is done is to find an independently-owned, local service centre. You can use the internet to find the most competitive pricing and even discounts offered on the routine maintenance tasks, like tire rotations and oil changes.


Last but not least, all car repairs can be stressful and it is normal to want to get things solved a fast as possible. However, it always pays to receive a good second opinion. It is common for mechanics to add some suggested repairs or unnecessary charges as the initial estimate is given to you. Due to this, always ask for a second opinion when you go to a repair shop for the first time.

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