How to avoid DIY Accidents at Home


Now the weather is getting warmer; it’s time to crack on with that DIY project that you’ve been putting off. DIY is a brilliant way to make home improvements without blowing through your entire budget. However, it’s essential to invest in the proper tools, DIY gear and identify any unforeseen hazards around you.

It’s the perfect time to do some painting, and now you can leave the windows open to air it out. Safety is paramount – here is how you can avoid getting into any trouble when doing a DIY project.

Use the right tools

DIY enthusiasts tend to pick up the nearest tool and start working on their at-home project. The wrong tool can damage your project and potentially injure you if you are not using it correctly. If you have never used a power tool, read the manual and familiarise yourself with the safety precautions. Unplug the drill before fitting any additional parts, and always use the on/off switch.

If you have suffered an injury that was not your fault, it’s always worth consulting a solicitor to see if you should file a claim.

Dress the part

Loose clothing and jewellery can get caught in the machine or project you are working on. Opt for appropriate clothing with lots of pockets for nails and screws and optional protective knee padding for when you are kneeling.

You should shield your eyes with protective glasses when working on DIY projects. You may encounter debris, welding or harmful chemicals. Go for tight-fitting glasses that mould to your face to stop any flying debris from getting behind the lenses.

Leave it to the experts

Some jobs are best left for the experts. Balconies, decking, or rolling stairs should always be done with an engineer and leave the electrical work to a professional. If you do it yourself and make a severe mistake, you could end up spending more in the long run to fix it.


Ladders cause the most DIY injuries because people do not use them safely.

Make sure the ladder is on a stable, non-slip surface and always make sure you have three points of contact with the ladder – For example, two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand. Lock all A-frame ladders when they are open and do not stand on the top two rungs.

Remember, falling from any height will hurt and potentially injure you.

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