How to Choose a Recliner Chair for the Living Room


One of the most practical investments you can have at home is a reclining chair for the living room. It allows you to relax while you’re watching the television or browsing information on your phone. The best recliners for sleeping also help in relieving your back muscle pain. The moment you sit in it, you will feel like a huge burden has been lifted from your shoulders.

Apart from muscle relief, you will also experience improved circulation. Since you can recline while sitting on the chair, blood can flow smoothly. It prevents heavy feet and swollen joints.

Given all these benefits, it might be time for you to consider buying a super relaxing reclining chair for your home. These are some tips to make it easy for you.

Check the size

You need a recliner of the perfect size. Measure your living room space and find out if the recliner will fit perfectly. Since you will want to recline the chair, you want to see if there’s enough space. Apart from the living room space, you also have to consider your size. You need a recliner that matches your body perfectly. You need the correct width and length of chair.  According to Redo Your House, if you are big and tall or overweight, you should consider choosing recliners with extra width and high weight capacity.  Otherwise, you won’t feel comfortable while using it.

Longevity is a plus

While there are affordable chairs, you shouldn’t go cheap if it will sacrifice the quality of the chair. Find one that will last for a long time. A high-quality reclining chair will remain in good condition even after 10 years. It’s worth spending money to have one, so it’s okay even if you splurge. Besides, if you choose a chair of poor quality, it might have some issues which you will need to repair, and you will end up spending more.

Prioritize the features you want

Not all reclining chairs are the same. Some of them have special features that others don’t. You can select one with complete body and lumbar support. You can even find one with an articulated headrest. If offers optimum comfort while you’re in a reclining position. Some even come with a back massage device that you can turn on while you are sitting. Rocking recliners are also available if you want one that doubles as a rocking chair. These extra features will cost more, but they might be worth the price.

Choose a classic model

Although there are reclining chairs of modern design and style, you can never go wrong with a classic. It looks and feels luxurious. It’s easy on the eyes too. Regardless of the theme that you choose for your living room area, a classic reclining chair will blend in perfectly. The vintage look will also remain in style for many years to come.

Upholstery is important

You need to consider upholstery when deciding which recliner to buy. For durability, a leather recliner is a great choice. It also looks great. It can give your home a classic and appealing look. The problem is that it might be a bit expensive. If you want to have a cheaper option, you can choose synthetic microfiber. It can withstand moisture and wrinkling. Vinyl recliners are also another option. Although they still look good, they easily crack after a while. So, people who prioritize longevity don’t opt for vinyl recliners. If you want a fabric chair, you can choose wool as the primary material. It is stain resistant, and it will also last for a long time.

Test the chair

If you’re buying the reclining chair from a local store, you need to spend some time testing the chair by sitting in it. You also have to ask yourself if you’re comfortable while you are sitting in it. If your feet touch the floor when the back is upright, you might not like it. You can also check the cushioning. Make sure that it’s not uncomfortable and there are no bumpy parts. The density rating of a comfortable chair is 1.9 or higher, which means that it will stay in shape for a longer time. You can also test the footrest a few times so that you can determine if it’s easy to maneuver.

If you don’t have the luxury of testing the chair before buying it, you can read reviews online. These details will provide you with an insight into what other people feel regarding the product. You also need to read carefully all the published details in the product description. You’ll find it easier to visualize the appearance of the chair and how comfortable it might be when you go through every part of the product description. Unless you’re confident about the features it has, you shouldn’t finalize your purchase.

Look for a possible discount

You need to start by comparing the prices of the reclining chairs that you prefer. Check the prices listed in one store and see if they’re the same as in other stores. You also need to compare the prices of different models that are within the price range that you’re willing to spend. However, you shouldn’t settle for anything too cheap just because you don’t want to spend a lot. The solution is to look for stores that offer quality reclining chairs at a discounted price. If there are upcoming promotions, you might have to wait until that time comes. Again, you’ll want to use your new reclining chair for a long time, so you need to stick with the best choice possible.

Take your time to look for a reclining chair that matches your preferences and budget. You can also check the design theme that you have in your living room so that you can buy a chair that will match it. Comfort, quality and durability are among the most crucial factors that you need to consider when buying a reclining chair. When you find all these qualities in a chair, you will know you’re making the right choice.

You could also check ChairsMag for in-depth review guides about choosing a recliner or ask for a recommendation from any of your friends who own a reclining chair before you finalize your plans to buy one.

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