How to choose bathroom sinks



Adding a bathroom sink to your bathroom setting greatly improves its look and the interior décor. Just as the kitchen, bathrooms are also busy places as people use them on a daily, mostly in the morning before going to work and at night before bedtime. Therefore, there is need to spice up this room with a good sink. 

There are many types of bathroom sinks in the market currently, ranging from posh and flashy ones to ordinary ones. Also, they come in various sizes and different materials. Thus, this makes it hard for an individual to identify the most appropriate sinks for their bathrooms. But once you identify the important factors you need to consider you are good to go. This article provides the necessary information you need on how to choose bathroom sinks. Enjoy!

Factors you need to consider when choosing a bathroom sink 

Sinks have different materials ranging from wood, porcelain, steel, iron, glass and stone among others. You may want to choose one that exactly fits your bathroom’s interior décor or you just want to try something new.

  • Ceramic sinks are an easy option because cleaning them is hassle-free. In addition to this, their surfaces are very sturdy and are highly resistant to chipping and scratching thus will serve you a long time.
  • Stone sinks consist of a combination of marble, granite, sandstone, travertine and onyx. Because of their porous nature, they are quite delicate and so you need to seal them on a regular basis. If you fail to wipe away deposits of salt, iron or soap off this sink, its surface faces the risk of destruction. They are ideal for bathrooms with less people traffic.
  • Porcelain sinks are made out of hard clay but their appearance is quite soft. If you want a sink for family bathrooms then this will serve you perfectly. They are easy to clean and are mostly available in white but other colors also exist allowing you to choose whichever excites you.
  • Stainless sinks are more common in kitchens than bathrooms. They are great because they are durable, highly resist stains and rust and thus do not pose any strain when cleaning them. Properly maintaining them will make them last longer.
  • Glass sinks do not feature just any regular type of glass but tempered glass which is stronger than the former. Besides, they are perfect for counter-top sinks. You can simply clean them using a cleanser that is non-abrasive. Unlike regular glass that shatters when it drops, this one disintegrates into small pieces without any sharp edges that will not cause you any injury.
  • Wood sinks are the most expensive in the market. They feature strong wood such as mahogany, teak and bamboo. They are resistant to moisture hence keep your bathroom warm all the time. Nonetheless, they may change color as time goes by because wood darkens with age.

1. Mode of installation

You can install your sink in a number of ways depending on your preference and the amount of space in your bathroom.

  • Under mount sink

Just as the name goes, this sink sits beneath the bathroom counter and its rim on the bottom side of the countertop. It is easy to clean because of its position.

  • Pedestal sink

It is more of a traditional and stylish form of installation because there is no countertop. The sink and the base both feature similar materials. They complement powder rooms really well and you can find them in either two or one-piece designs. However, they do allow room for storage and exhibit a limited surface area altogether.

  • Vessel sink

This involves installing the sink completely on top or partially beneath the countertop. Its main advantage is that it is deep enough to hold lots of water and is also very visible thus sits well with your room décor. If you have a master bathroom, then you should definitely install it there.

  • Top-mount sink

This is the opposite of the under mount sink as the sink perches on top of the bathroom counter. It is the most common type of sink mounting because of ease of installation and cleaning.

  • Wall-mounted sink

These sinks entirely mount on to a wall and have no cabinets around them. Similarly, they link straight to the water supply. If you are looking to save on space in your bathroom, then consider this type of sink. Their downside is that they have a limited surface area.

2. Size of bathroom

Before choosing a bathroom sink, you should be familiar with the size or space of your bathroom. Can it accommodate a large sink? How many people use the bathroom? In case of a large household, consider a large utility sink. If you have a small space, consider choosing a sinker that is appropriate for this space as well such as a pedestal sink. 

All in all, measure the dimensions of your bathroom so as to get the exact measurements. Additionally, consider storage space. It is important to have a storage cabinet for your towels and other bathroom essentials. Therefore, choose a sink that allows for enough storage space within the bathroom.

3. Type of faucet

Faucets usually work hand in hand with sinks, whether bathroom or kitchen. They are available in different designs, shapes and sizes. Ensure that the faucet you settle on fits well on your bathroom sink; should not be too small or too big. For the faucet holes, choose between a single-hole, a three-hole or widespread hole options to match the sink you want for your bathroom.

4. Budget

How much are you willing to spend? This is the most determinant factor of all the above. Further, the cost will mainly depend on the size of your sink, mode of installation and material of sink. Smaller sinks tend to cost less than large sinks. Wall mounted and pedestal types of sinks are more expensive in regards to the installation costs. Counter top sinks are the cheapest. Furthermore, porcelain and wood sinks are more costly than the other types because of their durability.


When you weigh down on the above factors, choosing bathroom sinks for your bathroom will no longer be difficult. The most important thing is getting the right bathroom sink that is convenient, budget friendly and offers you utmost comfort.

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