How to Clean Golden Faucets


If you don’t do your study before breaking out the cleaning products and starting scrubbing, it will be a bit too late to learn how to clean gold faucets and keep them looking new. This cleaning tutorial will show you how to clean your golden bathroom fixtures safely and straightforwardly.

Gold bathroom faucets and other plumbing fixtures make a striking and elegant statement.

If your faucets are not adequately cared for, that lovely golden bathroom fixture might tarnish with time. The sad reality is that these fixtures are not as long-lasting as stainless steel models.

Spraying gold-plated fittings with common bathroom chemicals will eat away at the coating, causing deterioration and corrosion and making your fixtures look unkempt.

What is a Faucet?

A faucet is a device that helps to deliver water from your plumbing system. Spout, handles, lift rod, cartridge, aerator, mixing chamber, and water inlets are possible components. When the handle is turned on, the valve opens and controls the water flow adjustment under any water or temperature situation.

The faucet body is usually constructed of brass, although it can alternatively be made of die-cast zinc or chrome-plated plastic. Single or dual-control cartridge faucets make up the bulk of household faucets.

What Should We Do To Clean the Faucets?

What Should We Do To Clean the Faucets

Without a doubt, if you plan your bathroom with golden fixtures, corrosion will clash with the rest of the space. Here are some different cleaning methods for keeping your gold faucets to look brand new.

1. Water and Soap

To keep gold and gold-plated faucets clean and shining, all they need is a mild cleaning solution and water. In a bucket, mix 1/2 tbsp of dishwashing liquid and warm water. To avoid getting your hands wet, make sure to wear latex gloves. In the soap solution, soak a delicate cloth or towel. Wring out any extra solution from the cloth.

Now, wipe the gold faucet with a cloth or towel soaked in the solution. Remember to clean the aerator and each faucet handle as well. With the solution-soaked cloth, gently scrub any of the caked-on spots. Then dry your golden faucet by using a soft and dry price of cloth.

2. Linseed Oil

Take special care of your vintage faucets. If your fixtures are ancient, keeping them gleaming and clean may take a little more effort. They may also react negatively to some commercial cleansers and are most likely constructed of gold or copper rather than brass.

Heat some linseed oil on the stove, then rub the faucets vigorously with a towel dipped in the warm linseed oil. This product cleans antique fixtures softly and effectively without being too harsh on their surfaces.

3. Vinegar

A basic and gentle cleaning solution for gold bathroom faucets and other fixtures is one part white vinegar to three parts water. Mix one cup vinegar with three cups of water in a basin or spray bottle for individuals who don’t know what one part vinegar to three parts water means. If you need more or less solution for your cleaning endeavor, multiply the recipe by two, three, or half, depending on your requirements.

Dip a soft cloth in the solution and place it over the fixture, which will now be wet. Allow the cloth to soak for 15 minutes. Then, using the damp cloth, wipe it clean. If you use any form of scouring device, you will risk damaging the plating.

Hopefully, the faucet hasn’t become so filthy that it will require additional cleaning after this, but if it does, continue the soaking and wiping operation until the fixture is clean. Rinse the faucet well with clean water and buff it with a clean, dry towel until all water is fully removed and the fixture is shining and bright.

How Often Should You Follow This Procedure?

How Often Should You Follow This Procedure

Cleaning these fixtures will be easier if you wash them at least once a week because scum and hard water will not be allowed to build up. Vinegar isn’t a fast-acting cleaner, but it also doesn’t damage the surfaces, which is precisely what we want here: clean and damage-free surfaces. In this instance, keep up with the cleaning, and you won’t have to spend as much time on the next round.

However, you might also contact faucet maintenance and repair agencies if your faucet condition has deteriorated too much.

Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals For Your Faucet

If you use harsh chemicals or rough scrubbing equipment on your gold-plated bathroom fixtures, you will damage the gold-plated surfaces of your faucets. Ammonia, as well as the bleach, are some of the harsh chemicals that you should avoid at all costs.

Final Thoughts

By wiping these faucets with any of your soft and clean towels after each use can keep them dry. Cleaning your gold faucet once a week will be much easier if you keep the vinegar solution in a spray bottle under the sink. If you follow these steps, your golden bathroom fixtures will look brand new for years to come.

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