How to Create a Farmhouse-inspired Kitchen


If you’re just moving into your new home or you want to do a full remodeling of your kitchen, then a farmhouse-inspired style can be the right one for you. The overall feel of this type of kitchen is one of warmth and comfort. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t stylish, as it has classic designs that can give it a delicate component. The goal is to have a sophisticated yet cozy kitchen as a result and here are some tips to achieve just that.

White Cabinets and Modest Hardware

Painting your cabinets white -or installing new white cabinets- will provide a classic farmhouse look to your kitchen. Milk paint is a type of waterproof paint that has a great finish. However, if you are not too excited about the idea of white cabinets, there are other great options. Other colors that go with the farmhouse style are beige, crème, and even a light brown.

The design of the cabinets is also important. Depending on how modern you want your kitchen to look, you can go for straight clean lines. The front of the cabinets should be completely smooth, and you can even go for a grey color for a more modern feel.

If you don’t want it to be all that modern, then you can go for a more rustic style, with curved designs and framed accents. Another way to achieve a more vintage style is by going for paneled cabinets. For an in-between option, you can go with shaker cabinets, which have a recessed panel right in the middle. This allows you to use other details to determine the overall style of your kitchen as they are a more versatile option.

Wood or Marble for a High-End Feel

When it comes to countertops, you will want to go with wood or marble. Another option is soapstone, which allows for a more rustic feel. Wood is the overall favorite for a farmhouse style kitchen; however, if you’re looking for a more high-end result, then marble might be the best option for you.

That said, wood can be an inexpensive option that doesn’t require too much maintenance. You can ask your remodeling contractors which type of wood would be ideal for your needs as well as your budget.

Farmhouse Sinks Are the Best

The great thing about farmhouse sinks is that they are larger than your average sink. This is a great thing, especially if you have a big family or if you love to host. Plus, a farmhouse sink can be a statement piece on its own, as it tends to stand out from your cabinets. A common material used is white porcelain, but you can choose a different one if this is not your preference. For a more modern farmhouse look, you can even go with a metal option.

Farmhouse sinks are so great, that they have even become part of other kitchen styles. This is due to how functional and practical they are. You can avoid getting your countertops dirty while you do the dishes with this great addition to your kitchen.

Exposed Beams for a Farmhouse Look

Few things scream farmhouse kitchen as loud as exposed beams. What might look unfinished in a different kitchen provides a rustic and warm feel to yours. Depending on the farmhouse style you are going for, you can be more rustic with wood beams or more modern with metal beams. Metal beams tend to provide a more industrial look to it, so you would have to compensate with warmer accents in other areas.

Hardwood Floors for Extra Warmth

One of the areas in which you can compensate for metal beams is the floor. Hardwood floors are very popular in farmhouse kitchens, where you will rarely see tiles or something similar. Hardwood immediately adds warmth, a sense of comfort, and can turn a large kitchen into a cozy space.

Just like with the countertops, you have many options when it comes to which type of wood you’ll use. From barn board to walnut, you have to choose carefully and consider how damaged the floors might get in the future if you have pets or little kids that are likely to cause a mess in your kitchen. Some woods are more resistant than others to water damage, which is something to keep in mind in a kitchen!

Pendant Lights Are the Cherry on Top

Having the right light is key and it can make a world of difference between a modern-looking farmhouse kitchen, and a more rustic farmhouse version. Pendant lights are one of the best ways to accent that farmhouse style and the tone you go with will help determine the overall look. Metal and dark tones as well as clean lines can lead to a more modern feel while warmer tones and a more traditional look can add to a more rustic style overall.

Décor Is Key for a Cohesive Result

You can have all the bases of a farmhouse kitchen, but if you go with super modern décor, then you will have a kitchen in conflict. To truly unite the different components mentioned before and provide a cohesive look, you should choose your decoration carefully.

These details can be quite small, but their overall effect adds up. Include items such as mason jars, wooden crates, windows treated with soft colors, and wooden utensils. Things like woven baskets can also add to the overall farmhouse style.

This doesn’t mean that you have to go for things you don’t like. You should choose these items according to your personality and preferences. A great idea is to visit vintage markets, which will allow you to get some items that can’t simply be made these days. Keep in mind the materials you have used to build the kitchen as well as the color palette you have achieved.

The kitchen tends to be the heart of the house, and it’s one of the places where the family tends to meet. Therefore, you’ll want to make sure it’s a cozy yet functional place, where everyone feels welcomed, which is something you can easily achieve with this beautiful farmhouse style.

Author’s Bio

Claire Zimmerman is an enthusiastic and creative writer at AllState Service Group. Her main goal is to spread information about home remodeling and interior design trends.

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