How To Deal With Diaper Rashes


Baby rashes can be very unpleasant. Apart from the fact they dot the baby’s skin in a very bad way, it also makes the baby uncomfortable due to the itchiness. Redness and swelling on the skin are not things you would like to see on your baby’s bottom.

Diaper rashes are commonly caused by sleeping or spending too long in a wet diaper. Because a baby’s skin is sensitive, it is likely to react with a soiled diaper. While most rashes are harmless and are part of the growing up process, some can cause the baby mild pain. The good thing is that the rashes eventually go away with treatment. 

Whether it is a harmless rash or not, you have to treat it due to the irritation. So how do you go about treating it? As they say, prevention is better than cure, so we will take a look at methods to adopt to reduce the chances of diaper rash.

1. First, You Have To Understand The Root Cause

spending more time than necessary in a diaper. How often do you change a diaper? Sometimes, we may not feel it necessary to change a diaper, especially when we guess that the baby has not pooped. But it also does not help that the baby has peed and it has not been changed, because moisture is what causes it. So you have to be proactive about things.

Change the diaper as often as you can. Do not wait for signs of poop or for the baby to start crying before you think of a change. Monitor the baby to know how they are faring. Watch out for facial expressions or signs showing discomfort of any sort. 

Also, avoid letting the baby sleep in a soiled diaper. Change the diaper at night before sleeping and in the morning when they wake. 

2. Wash Your Hands Before Changing A Diaper

Sometimes our hands can also contribute to giving a baby rashes on their bottom, due to the sensitivity of their skin. Wash hands properly before and after changing a diaper to avoid such things.

3. Use Mild Soaps

Always use mild soap when bathing a baby, especially when you get to the bottom area. Recommended baby soaps are usually just right for their tender skin. Avoid using medicated soaps or any other kind of soap for them.

4. Use Water To Clean Poop

Water is the best thing to use in cleaning a baby’s bottom when changing a soiled diaper. Using any other kind of cleanser may react with the baby’s skin, leading to rashes.

5. Avoid Rubbing The Baby’s Bottom

After cleaning with water or after a bath, avoid using towels to clean the baby’s bottom. The best method is to let it dry with air, or pat it till it is dry. 

But what do you do when the rashes appear? As offensive as they may look, try not to panic. Getting the rash out is easier than you think. There are creams you can use to treat the rashes that will make them disappear in no time. These creams act as a shield on the skin, protecting it from the waste in the diaper. Creams like Butt Paste vs Desitin are great for preventing and treating your baby from diaper rash. 

All you have to do is apply it on the baby’s skin after a bath or clean up, making sure the skin is dry. Apply the cream around the affected parts. The thing about diaper rashes is they are likely to spread, appearing around the front and even on the back. Apply the cream around every area the rash is present. Although the creams usually start working within a short while, it may take a few days to see actual results. 

Also, you do not have to waste time before the rashes appear by trying out Butt Paste vs Desitin. Applying it can prevent the outbreak of rashes, saving the baby from losing his comfort. 

Diaper rashes are not very major problems to deal with and may be caused by other things including:

  • Change in diet, especially when the child starts eating solid food
  • Use of medication
  • Age

The most important thing is to be on the alert and ready to treat the rashes when they appear.

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