How to Easily Spot an Online Scam


The internet provides a lot of benefits. It makes receiving and sending information simpler than ever before. However, similar to many things in life, it is not perfect. Many scammers use the internet to steal information. Usually, this involves scams like spoofing and phishing.

Scammers also target people of different backgrounds, income levels, and ages across Australia. Today, scammers are becoming smarter and taking advantage of new services/technology and main events so as to create believable stores, which can convince you to give them personal information or cash. To help you avoid these scammers, here are tried-and-tested tricks to spot scams:

1. Check for Greeting Cards

Whether it is Easter or Christmas, people get all the type of holiday greeting cards in their email inboxes, which come from friends or someone they care for. A greeting card scam is an old internet trick that malicious actors use to harvest valuable data and inject malware.

If you open such emails and click on the card, you may end up with malware, which will get downloaded and installed in the operating system. The malware can be an annoying program, which launches pop-ups with many ads and unexpected windows on the screen. In this case, the best course of action is to use IT managed services packed with cloud migrations and cybersecurity solutions.

2. Look at the Grammar

Scammers are not always native speakers. This means English is not their first language – it could be second or third. Their grammar and spellings will not be good, and at times, they may get too heavy with capitals.

Scammers also work as a team, with different individuals hiding behind one identity. Therefore, if the writing style looks strangely inconsistent, be suspicious.

3. Note Emails Promising You Cash

Some scammers normally send emails promising you a lot of money for little or no effort. At times, these messages may have texts highlighting that you have a lottery, prize, or sweepstakes. Others may look like they have sent the message accidentally, and you have somehow had a chance to stumble into a bizarre situation.

In most cases, scammers may ask you to wire money or pay a fee to receive a larger amount of cash back from them. If the email sounds too good to be true, and it’s from someone you don’t know, this is basically a scam.

4. Pay Attention to Digital Footprint

It is difficult to go through life without leaving a trace, so if you cannot find a digital footprint, it could be a sign of a scam. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to have a blazed trail on the internet to be a real person. Some individuals avoid using social media apps and opt not to post personal details.

Usually, it raises suspicion if you are not able to get any digital footprint of a person. You can determine this by checking the person’s friend list and how they use social media. While it is simple to create a fake friend list, those connections may tell a lot about a person.

Concluding Remarks!

The development of the internet has brought several convenient advances in the way people interact, shop, and bank.

While the internet comes with benefits, it has also paved the way for new avenues for cybercriminals to rip off the unsuspecting. This is why it is necessary to learn how to remain vigilant and stay safe online while browsing on the web, particularly on private messaging services and social media forums.

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