How To Feature The Bertoia Bar Stool In Social Spaces


The Bertoia Bar Stool is one of those timeless modernist masterpieces that are still relevant today. While it has been extensively used in many home interiors, this stool is also a great choice to furnish social spaces like bars, parties, etc.

If youre wondering just how this can be done, below weve compiled a list of some amazing examples for you to look at. Here they are:

1. A charismatic bar setting

The bar featured in this image is an excellent example of how the contemporary design of the Bertoia Bar Stool can prove to be a gorgeous focal point in a swanky, gravitas-filled setting. The black and red ambiance brims with bold glamour, which is why the silver-lace aesthetic of the Bertoia Bar Stool feels even more impactful within the space. Its light design provides a nice visual break within an otherwise full, vividly designed space. You can carry out a similar aesthetic in your own bar interior designs.

2. An upscale restaurant booth

An upscale restaurant booth

Whether you’re in the mood for some light sushi or whether you want a nice cup of your favorite decadent espresso, you’ll be able to enjoy everything with utter panache by furnishing the booth with the Bertoia Bar Stool. The parametric expression of this furniture piece can evoke a contemporary-eclectic vibe, which is perfect for emulating a casually welcoming ambiance. As you can see in this image, you can easily create a very compelling set-up in this vein that is both visually interesting, classy, and highly inviting.

3. Night club booths

Night club booths

If you’ve ever been to a night club, then you’ll know that the tables in there are designed for standing room only. Some of them come with their own sitting, and that’s where the Bertoia Bar Stool comes in. You can pair this stool with a tall club table and create a nice, compact, sitting area that would work really well within the fully-filled premises of this party place. The artfully flimsy design of the stool will couple well with the overall needs, functionality, and visuals of the nightclub without hindering the layout or usage at all.

4. A mojito bar

A mojito bar

If you want to design a social bar-space that’s feminine and attractive, then you can definitely use the Bertoia Bar Stool to do so. This image shows an excellent example of how to carry it out. The use of bright, popping accent colors against a foreground of chichi white materials is pretty stand-out on its own, but feels even more interesting thanks to the lace-like parametric aesthetics of the Bertoia Bar Stool up front.

5. Work cafes

Work cafes

Work cafes 2


Work café’s are the new norm – especially for freelancers and people with unconventional fields. The Bertoia Bar Stool is the perfect piece of furniture to complement such areas. As you can see in this image, you can definitely recreate a corporate ambiance with a casual flair if you know how to organize the layout and place the bar stools in the right spaces. The great thing about work cafes is that you can create individual booths as well as communal ones, so they’re fit for everybody.

6. Hotel restaurants

Hotel restaurants

Upscale hotel restaurants are swanky by design, and you can add a decidedly eclectic and casual touch to them by furnishing the bar area with the Bertoia Stool. This venture can also help you break the monotony of solid furniture, as the parametric aesthetic of this stool never fails to emulate a light, breezy vibe within any ambiance.

This is how you can use the Bertoia Bar Stool in social spaces. We hope this guide gives you some interesting ideas to use this stool in your own commercial spaces.

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