How to get a job with CCNA Certification? A complete guide!


‘How can I get a job with the CCNA certification?’ This is the question everyone is asking nowadays. Well, this is quite an interesting question because if we look at CCNA, the exam is not as easy as it seems.

The CCNA is not an easy exam to pass and on rare occasions, people go for this certification. A person with CCNA looks for a job in IT or cybersecurity. So, can you get a job if you have a CCNA certificate? Of course, you can! But the process isn’t easy.

For a lower-level or entry-level IT or cybersecurity job, many employers hire people with CCNA certification. If you have a second skill aside from your CCNA certificate, the chances of getting hired increases rapidly. The second skill can be any, a technical experience, another certification or it could be a soft skill like customer service.

What is CCNA?

The Cisco CCNA is also known as the Cisco Certified Network Associate. This certificate is specially designed by Cisco for advanced entry-level designation. This indicates an understanding of layer 2 and layer 3 switching and routing concepts. And how they apply to Cisco equipment? Aside from this, Cisco has developed many CCNA certificates.

CCNA Wireless, CCNA CyberOps, and CCNA Security are some of them. The Cisco CCNA is designed to verify that an individual is prepared for networking based positions. These positions are responsible for cabling and wiring networks, installing and configuring routers and switches, and performing basic troubleshooting.

How long is the CCNA good for?

The CCNA certification is valid for three years as stated by Cisco. But it is important that it must be renewed or leveled up to higher certification if you are looking for some more information about CCNA course you could visit CCNA certified training institutes such as sitespower to check eligibility and future prospect.

CCNA Security or CCNA Routing and Switching exam. Which one is better?

CCNA Security or CCNA Routing and Switching, both certifications are valued in the marketplace by employers. Some people earn both certifications which of course benefits them. Some people branch out to another area, such as wireless or collaboration.

What type of jobs you can get with CCNA?

If you’ve recently passed a CCNA certification, you’re obviously ready to take on more responsibility in a networking role — or maybe specialize. There are specialized job titles associated with these CCNA exams. Cisco offers 10 CCNA certifications that each validates different skillsets and each has different job titles associated with them.

  1. CCNA Routing and Switching
  2. CCDA
  3. CCNA Cloud
  4. CCNA Collaboration
  5. CCNA Cyber Ops
  6. CCNA Data Center
  7. CCNA Industrial
  8. CCNA Security
  9. CCNA Service Provider
  10. CCNA Wireless

With all these certifications you can easily found the jobs associated with the specific title. These job titles and responsibilities are not uniformed. They depend on things like the size of the organization, such as businesses and government agencies. They tend to know what technologies and IT strategies they are employing. Each certification has some job title associated with it. It is important to take a look at the required certifications for even generic network admin and engineer positions. The type of work you’ll be expected to perform depends on these certifications.


If we take a closer look at all the information, the answer of the question ‘How to get a job with CCNA Certification’ is almost clear. It is most likely that you can easily get a job with the CCNA certificate. You should feel confident that you can get a job by ding little efforts with your CCNA certificate. It’s okay if you are looking for a job and hasn’t found one that is up to your mark, you can find one pretty quickly. Don’t lose hope.

It is better to get gather and gain some extra techniques while looking for a job with your CCNA certificate. A second skill with your CAN certificates gave a very positive impact on the employer. It is much easier to find one with additional skills. You will find one soon. We wish you the best!

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