How to Improve Your Amazon Ranking


When it comes to Amazon, visibility and sales are part of the same puzzle. Your visibility dictates sales, and your sales dictate your product visibility and organic ranking.

There is usually a cascading effect when your visibility or sales increase. That is why the following tips are vital for your Amazon business and should not be seen in isolation. That being said, here’s what you need to do to rank higher on Amazon.

Keyword research

Like any other search engine, Amazon’s A9 algorithm takes keywords into account when showing the results for a search term. Stuffing keywords won’t help you, but it is important that your product is indexed for every relevant keyword. If the product is not indexed, it will never show up on any search results page – forget page 1.

That is why detailed keyword research and use is the foundation of a great product listing.

That’s not all though. Keywords are also the building blocks of most sponsored campaigns. When you’re paying to play, you need to make sure every cent is optimized. If you’re not using the right keywords, you’re essentially flushing money down the toilet.

Don’t forget, you need to optimize your keywords for Amazon – not other search engines. If you’re using keyword research tools, make sure you use ones like SellerApp that find relevant high-converting keywords for Amazon.

Product listing optimization

Once you find relevant keywords, you need to put them to good use. That’s where your product listing comes into the picture. You have 3 spaces to include your main keywords – product title, bullet points, and product description. But wait, remember when I said sales and visibility are intertwined? Your product listing is where you need to put that understanding into practice.

Your product listing is where customers go to learn more about the product. It is also your sales pitch. If a customer doesn’t find the information they are looking for, chances are that they won’t buy the product. A poorly written product page is going to tank your sales potential.

That’s why you should never stuff keywords. Your product listing should be easy to read and it should be engaging. Keywords are important, but they shouldn’t be the primary focus.

In a nutshell, when you’re creating your product listing, make sure the title, bullet points, and product description are easy to read, informative, and engaging. You need to do all this while keeping your SEO targets in mind.

Your product listing isn’t just written content though. Your product images also play an important role in influencing purchasing decisions. I recommend 6 images in a listing and that is the minimum. Make sure the images are high-quality and that you have different images that cover different aspects of the product. If you have the budget, I also recommend hiring professionals to take product photographs – it is usually worth the investment.

A+ Content

When talking about product listing optimization, it is also important to talk about Amazon’s A+ content feature. It is the perfect way to create the ultimate online shopping experience with rich visual media. The service is currently restricted to Amazon registered brands and vendors – so most third-party sellers cannot create A+ content.

If you are one of the lucky few who can create them, I definitely recommend using the opportunity. For sellers, A+ Detail Pages and Enhanced Brand Content will replace the product description and Amazon does not index keywords from them. However, well-crafted visual content can boost your sales – which will boost your product’s ranking!

Product price

Amazon is obsessed with customer satisfaction. Customers are ecstatic when they get a good deal. That is why lower prices give you an advantage when fighting for the Buy Box and give your product a better organic ranking.

Customer reviews

The number of reviews and your product’s rating also influence your product’s ranking. It’s usually difficult to get reviews early on. If you’re finding it difficult to get your product off the ground and are looking for ways to get reviews, you can sign up for Amazon’s early reviewer program or Amazon’s Vine program.

Maintain inventory levels

If you run short on inventory, Amazon will penalize you for it. This means that your listing’s ranking will tank. To make sure that doesn’t happen, you need to regularly monitor your inventory levels if you’re an FBA seller.

Run sponsored ads

You’re paying to play, but this is one of the best ways to improve your product’s organic rank. If done right, Amazon PPC ads have the potential to exponentially improve your sales and give you visibility. It’s no wonder that nearly all successful Amazon sellers run PPC campaigns for their products. However, you need to ensure that your PPC campaigns are well optimized. Not sure how to optimize and manage your sponsored ads? You can use advanced tools to help you make informed choices, or you can even hire third-party experts like SellerApp to run your campaigns for you.

Author Bio:


Arishekar is a leading SEO and digital marketing expert in India, he is the Senior Marketing Manager At SellerApp, he specializes in digital marketing, inbound marketing and lead generation In addition His areas of expertise include enhancing the organic ranking on search engines with innovative digital strategies and online promotions.


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