How to Improve Your Instagram Growth Strategy: 10 Steps


In today’s modern digital era, almost every brand uses Instagram in order to grow, expand and flourish their business. Most of them work hard to get a higher follower count or a number of likes/shares on their posts quickly, which directly influences their business performance.

Using an organic Instagram growth service tool is also the hype nowadays, and there’s no denying that the right one can be really effective to use. What’s even better is that a reliable marketing service can even offer real Instagram followers free trial to show what it is capable of to prevent you from wasting money.

Of course, while using such tools, you shouldn’t overlook the significance of coming up with creative ideas for your feed posts for higher engagement and reach.

Nevertheless, we have curated a list of the top 10 steps in this article to help you improve your Instagram growth strategy fast. Keep reading to learn!

Step #1: Optimize Your Profile

Your first and foremost step should be to optimize your profile. Unfortunately, many people just ignore this step, considering it unnecessary. However, you should make sure you’re not one of them.

When setting up your account, make sure to opt for the business account option to enjoy a variety of perks it has to offer like different ad options and access to analytics, etc. If you don’t have a business account, you can always switch to it.

Optimize your profile by uploading a suitable profile picture and writing a relevant bio description. Adding a link to your website and your contact information will also boost your account.

Step #2: Post at Optimal Times and Be Regular

Now that you’re done optimizing your profile, you must have a content plan with you, i.e., what you will be posting regularly. There are plenty of content ideas such as memes, trending topics, product photos, video content, tutorials, behind-the-scenes, etc.

At the start, it may be hard for you to find the *best* time to post on your account. To be honest, there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for this, it’s all about trials and errors. Post at whatever time you think is suitable and after some time, view your analytics as it will tell you when your audience is more active.

Then, make sure you post regularly and at the same time. Posting consistently will allow your audience to engage with more content and will make you more reachable. To reach more with your audience, you can use a private Instagram viewer.

Step #3: Incorporate Hashtags in Your Posts

Your next step should be to research relevant, appropriate hashtags and add them to your posts before you finally post them on your feed. This is another great way to make your content more discoverable to the right audience.

Again, there’s no hard and fast “rule” to post a certain number of hashtags on your posts. If they aren’t irrelevant, and they seem enough to you, just go with them. You should be specific with your hashtags, and they should be relevant to your niche.

You can always take inspiration from your competitors by looking at their posts and assessing what hashtags they are using.

Step #4: Engage With Your Followers

After you’re done optimizing and uploading your posts, you must also engage with your followers. This shows to both your current and potential followers that you genuinely care about them, rather than simply being a promoter of your products/services.

Make sure to reply to them in the comment section and DMs. Higher engagement on your posts will make your posts highly visible on the feed of your followers every time you post. You can also ask a question in the caption of your posts to spark a conversation.

Step #5: Leverage Instagram Stories

Do you know that 500 million accounts on Instagram use stories every day? Therefore, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to be on your followers’ minds by posting regularly on your stories as well along with the feed.

You can either share video content, ask a question, do a quiz/poll, ask your followers to rate something or post a link to a specific product on your website. If you shared something informative/fun, you can also save it later to your highlights under the contact info on your profile.

Step #6: Encourage and Share User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC is a free form of advertisement for your business or products/services. You don’t have to pay anyone for it, and your followers/consumers will post about your brand or your product/service on their profile using your branded hashtag.

You can create a branded hashtag and share it in your bio description. Let your customers know that if they use your hashtag, they will have a chance to get featured. Who doesn’t like getting featured by a brand? Use this as an opportunity to expand your brand.

Step #7: Work with Influencers

Influencer marketing is one of the best ways to grow your Instagram account fast. Influencers have already developed a connection and established trust with their followers, therefore, they have a massive impact on their purchasing behaviors.

You should contact an influencer relevant to your niche for it to be effective. Search on Instagram for your niche, type influence, and hit “search”. For example, beauty influencer or lifestyle influencer.

Usually, nano and micro-influencers have a higher engagement rate due to the close connection with their followers and also charge less than bigger accounts.

Step #8: Hold Contests and Giveaways

This step should be a must in your Instagram growth strategy, as giveaways/contests require certain actions to be completed in order to enter them.

You can offer your audience any product or service relevant to your brand in return. The most common giveaway rules are to tag friends, follow your page, or share your post because these actions will significantly help you reach a new audience.

Step #9: Run Instagram Ads

After you have implemented the growth strategies mentioned above, you should also pay attention to the Instagram ads as they are really effective in helping you with reach, and growth.

Make sure your Facebook page and Instagram business profile are connected, so you can create Instagram ads through Facebook. Keep your budget in mind and target the relevant demographics.

There are different types of ads you can opt from like video ads, carousel ads, story ads, reel ads, shopping ads, image ads, etc. After you run an ad, monitor its performance and take action accordingly.

Step #10: Monitor Your Instagram Growth Strategies

Last but not the least, you must keep a check on your Instagram growth strategies after implementing them. Otherwise, they won’t be effective as you wouldn’t know what’s working for you and what’s not.

You can monitor your growth strategies through your Instagram settings’ built-in analytics feature. This way, you can stop working unnecessarily on strategies that aren’t performing the best and work harder on the ones that are delivering results.

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