How to match a frame to your prints?


So you found a print online that you LOVED, and when it arrived, you realised you didn’t order the frame. How to choose the best frame? Should you go for a white metal frame, a black wood frame, or that matte green one because it caught your eye?

Choosing the right frame, be that for your favourite family photo, a painting of your pooch when they were a puppy or a print of your favourite song lyrics, can be stressful. Knowing what sizes to get, what material will look best in the room and which colour will compliment it the best will ultimately lead you to close the tab and say, ‘I’ll order one another day’…

So, here are some suggestions on how to find that frame you so desperately need:

Do Colours Stand Out

Don’t be afraid of colour! When you take a quick glance at your print or painting, do any colours pop off the page at you? If they do, then this could be a good indicator of the frame colour you should be choosing. When it comes to the colours, you have two options, you could stick with it, or you could complement it. Now what I mean by this is, if the blue in your print is the colour that stands out the most, use this as the theme of the piece and find yourself a blue frame of the same shade. This will give it a clean finish, and people will think it came professionally framed in that style.

On the other hand, select a frame in a shade that compliments that bright blue. Going back to art class at school, think about the complimentary colours; shades opposite each other on the colour wheel usually work well together and make each other pop more. So in this example, the blue in your print will go well with an orange frame; I know that sounds terrifying, especially if you don’t have colourful rooms in your home, but using colours in prints and frames will make the perfect statement piece!

Border Or No Border

Adding a border to your painting or print will be a personal preference. Adding a border can elevate the design giving it a cleaner finish and an aesthetic appeal. Frame bordering also protects your print’s edges from catching on the frame and getting damaged. If you decide to add a border, consider the cut-off space. Depending on the size, your border will cut off the outer section of what you are displaying. If there are finer details on the outer edges of your print/painting, I suggest avoiding adding a border.

Look Around The Space

Use the room you plan to have your frame in as inspiration for your frame selection. Your interior style may be more industrial, using lots of brickwork and metals with the occasional pop of colour. If this is the case, going for a black metal frame (or a metal frame in your choice of colour) will suit the room best. If you have a Scandinavian theme running throughout your home, opting for a simple, traditional oak frame to compliment your print or painting will accentuate your space perfectly. On the other hand, using feature pieces in the room to work your frame around may look great, if you have a navy blue sofa, choosing a navy blue frame may evenly distribute that tone throughout the room to elevate those pieces.

If In Doubt, Stick To The Classics

Sometimes, we need to just stick to the safe option and usually, it works out great in the end. If you are really struggling to find a frame that works well with the room and the print or painting, opting for a classic colour that you know will work is probably going to be the option for you. Black and white will go with everything! Using black will add a darker vibe to your prints however will look incredibly sleek and elegant on your walls. White, on the other hand, will accentuate your prints and make those colours within it really pop! White frames will compliment almost every room, opening up the space and creating a bright, sophisticated look. Going with a black or white frame will be timeless. From switching your prints from one room to another for a quick revamp of your space, or if you want to switch out the print completely, you can be certain your frames will still work!

Overall, it isn’t always essential to match your frame to your print! There are many ways to choose the right frame, you could always order a few and try them out to see what style you like best. However, it really will mostly be down to personal preference. Decide whether you want to match the print colours to the frame or have your frame tie in with your interior style. If you want to be daring and aren’t afraid of doing something a little different, pick a frame that doesn’t match the print at all and make it unique, it will definitely catch people’s eyes.


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