How To Maximize Your New Car’s Overall Performance


Getting a brand new car can be considered as a dream come true for many individuals, especially those who really work hard to be able to acquire the specific make and model they have in mind. More often than not, they do perform the necessary measures to ensure that their brand new cars are well taken cared of and maintained to be able to preserve its brand new state and use it for longer.

Thus, if you have a brand new car, here are some tips to maximize its overall performance.

Things you need to do every other gas fill up:

1. Clean your windshield

A regular cleaning of the windshield reduces the risk and safety hazard that a dirty windshield brings because of possible obstructions, especially in the driver’s view of the road. Thus, it is best to clean your windshield even every other gas fill up time by soaking your windshield with a cleaning fluid and cleaning it with a windshield squeegee. This is even more important after being on the road for hours, after having insect carcasses mess up your windshield. In parallel with cleaning your windshield, you may want to give your headlights some sponging too.

2. Check your tire pressure

It is also a good practice to check the pressure of your tire’s cars every other time you go to the gas station for a fill up. This is because the proper tire pressure specified for the particular make and model of your car will ensure your safety and security while you are on the road, in addition to maximizing its overall performance. You will also be surprised to have an increased fuel efficiency with the proper tire pressure of your car.

3. Verify your oil level

The motor oil you use has a significant impact in your car’s overall performance. This is because the motor oil lubricates the moving parts in your engine, protecting these components from immediate wear and tear. In the same manner, the motor oil also transfers the heat away from the combustion cycle of your engine to the oil filter. In order to check your oil level, all you need is a dipstick, a clean paper towel and sufficient lighting. Turn off your engine and make sure your car is parked in a level ground for an accurate level estimate. Insert your engine dipstick in the motor oil canister of your car and the oil level is usually indicated in the margin where the oily part ends and the dry part begins in the dipstick.

Scheduled Car Maintenance

Apart from the regular things you need to check every other gas fill up, it is also a good practice to ensure the proper maintenance of your car as suggested in your car owner’s manual. More often than not, the maintenance checks that need to be done less frequently, such as oil changes, tire rotations, and fluid transmission replacements, are performed during your car’s maintenance schedule. However, keep in mind to adhere more on the maintenance schedule suggested in your car’s manual rather than the suggestions of your car dealer because they might suggest a more frequent maintenance schedule, even if deemed as unnecessary.

Nevertheless, don’t hesitate to seek the advice of professional mechanics as necessary because the newer vehicles are comparatively more complex because of the highly innovative gadgets installed in these cars. As a good rule of thumb, however, it will help if you can do the following checks below based on the mileage run by your car.

  1. Change oil every 5000 miles. You have the option of changing your car’s oil or having a mechanic do it for you, but the important thing is to have your oil changed regularly to ensure that your car is running smoothly.
  2. Change air filter every 12000 miles. In addition to changing your oil, it is also important to change your car’s air filter regularly to increase your fuel efficiency and maintain the overall performance of your car.
  3. Rotate your tires every 5000 to 10000 miles. The front and rear tires of your car wear and tear in different paces, but rotating them regularly will balance out their wear patterns, allowing you to use them for a longer period of time.

Car Cleanliness Tips

Apart from adhering to your scheduled car maintenance, it is of equal importance to keep your car clean to be able to maximize its overall performance. With several tips on how you can ensure the cleanliness of your car, the two most important points are detailed below.

  • Wash your car regularly

Perhaps the basic, but most overlooked method of keeping your car running in its best condition is washing it regularly. This is because your car is subjected to the heat of the sun, salt, grease, grime, and all other external elements that may contribute to its eventual wear and tear if not properly taken cared of. There is a great chance that these elements may first affect your car’s paint, and eventually affect the underlying metal of your car too. Hence, it is essential to wash your car regularly to keep it clean and running in its best condition.

Where you are, as well as where you drive to, are the biggest factors that dictate the frequency of washing your car. For instance, if you live within the proximity of the beach or in an urban area with great pollution, then you need to wash your car at least twice or thrice in a month. Otherwise, once a month usually is sufficient.

  • Keep the interior of your car organized

Bear in mind that your car is not a trash can or an additional storage area for your home, which is why it is best to stop treating your car as one. For sure, one of the reasons you bought your car, is because it is spacious, and this is particularly true if you upgraded to a Honda Shuttle Hybrid from a Honda Fit Hybrid. But it doesn’t mean that the space is to be utilized to store the things that your home can no longer accommodate. Thus, make it a practice to regularly remove the unnecessary stuff in your car, because the space of your car is intended for the comfort of the passengers. A tidy and organized car interior will make your driving experience less stressful, and more enjoyable. In addition to this, a lighter car load also paves the way for an increase in fuel efficiency.

The Do’s and Don’ts to Maximize the Overall Performance of Your New Car

In addition to the things that you need to regularly check and do to ensure that you are able to maximize the performance of your new car, here are some of the do’s and don’ts that can also help.

Do practice patience, especially during the break in period.

The break in period of your car typically ends during the time that your car hit its first 1000 miles. It is during this time that you need to be patient and keep your speed under 55mph or the speed recommended by your car’s manufacturer. It is also during this time when you will want to avoid loading your car with heavy stuff such as construction materials.

Don’t keep touch ups longer

When you already notice nicks and paint chip off in your cars, it is best to touch them up sooner rather than later. This is because even minor nicks found on the door edges paves the way for rust to form. Thus, it is best to have a matching touch up paint on hand to be able to perform touch ups immediately.

Do fill with washer fluid only

Fill your windshield washer reservoir with washer fluid only and avoid adding water to it. This is because water doesn’t clean as well as a washer fluid does, and water may even freeze during the cold season, posing damage to the entire system. In the same manner, avoid running your windshield washer system if you suspect that there is no more fluid in the tank.

Don’t put off fixing light damages

There may be certain circumstances and unfortunate scenarios that may lead you to busted or bad bulb. In these circumstances, avoid putting off the repair of the damage to inhibit the problem from getting worse. In changing your car’s lights, clean dirty or corroded sockets with a fine steel wool first.

Do secure your loads to avoid dents

It is very tempting to load your car with all your essentials if you know that you will be on the road for a number of days. This is especially true if your car even has a roof rack that paves the way for you to have more carrying capacity. However, it is necessary to ensure that your load are properly secured and tied up to prevent dents and fractures in your new car.

Don’t try to overload your car

In order to ensure that you are maximizing the fuel efficiency of your car, it is best to check your car’s manual for its carrying capacity. Additionally, loading your car with too many passengers or stuff will promote the immediate wear and tear of your car. Consider having a heavy load delivered instead or ensuring that you only carry the allowed number of passengers especially for safety reasons too.

Do inspect the wheel-well splash guards

Splash guards ensure that water and other elements do not reach your engine compartment and cause serious damages to your car. However, these splash guards wear off easily, which is why it is a good practice to check them every so often. You may need to re-secure them with the proper fasteners as needed or replace them as necessary.

Don’t skip waxing

No matter how tedious it may seem, waxing your car is important to protect your car’s paint job. There are liquid and spray waxes which prove to be more convenient to use, but it still holds true that paste was still gets the job done better. Avoid fine scratches in your car while waxing by using a clean and soft cotton or microfiber cloth.

Do have your wheel alignment checked

It is important to have your wheel alignment checked every 30000 miles or as specified in your car’s manual. It is also a good practice to have it checked after you buy new tires or when you replace other steering parts. This is because an improper alignment can cause an early damage to your tires and may result in a poor handling as well.

Don’t overfill your crankcase with oil

Excess oil may rise into the crankshaft, causing air bubbles to get churned into the oil. As a result, your oil pump won’t be able to operate at its maximum efficiency and your engine may even overheat. Excess oil can also cause irreparable damage to your spark plugs. Thus, keep in mind to fill your engine crankcase with just the proper amount of oil.

Do test drive-belt tension

Belts that prove to be too tight can wear out bearings sooner while belts that are too loose may fail prematurely. This is the reason why it is important to test your drive-belt tension and perform an evaluation before you start your car.

Don’t forget to change your spark plugs

Electronic ignition and on-board computers may have eliminated the need for more frequent tune-ups, but this doesn’t mean that you can avoid spark plug replacements. Check your car’s manual when your spark plugs need to be changed, but more often than not, manufacturers recommend to have them replaced every 30000 to 40000 miles. In parallel to this, change your spark plug wires as well because deteriorated wires can result in irreversible damage as well.

brand new car

Getting a brand new car definitely has several perks over purchasing used cars. While cars cannot be considered as investments because of their rapid depreciation, it is still worthwhile to ensure the proper maintenance and upkeep of your new car for you to be able to enjoy the maximum performance of your car. Oftentimes, you will be able to realize the results of your car’s proper maintenance at the end, after it surpasses the lifespan indicated in its specifications.

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