How to Rank Higher on Google: 4 Quick Tips


Did you know that over 92% of organic traffic comes from Google?

If you want to gain more traffic, you have to figure out how to play to the Google algorithm. Learning how to rank higher on Google can be an in-depth task, and you might be up against some steep competition. But, there are some simple and assured ways to improve your Google rankings that you can implement immediately.

If you carry out these clear-cut steps you can create a successful website and increase your website earnings.

Keep reading to find out 4 quick tips for ramping up your Google rankings.

1. Create Valuable Content

If you’re wondering how to rank higher on Google, one of the first things to do is start creating valuable content. High-quality content can draw people to your site and help your rise in search.

The more traffic you gain, the more you can increase Google AdSense earnings, and the more pages of your site Google can index.

The secret to creating valuable content is figuring out what your audience needs or wants. Depending on who they are, this might be helpful, detailed, long-format guides. Or it might be humorous content, product reviews, etc.

The more value you can provide to your visitors, the more Google will push up your page rank.

Besides creating high-quality content, you should also take steps to fully optimize it with the keywords you want to target. This will help Google figure out what search queries your content answers.

2. Create High-Quality Backlinks

Another pivotal way you can improve your Google rankings is by creating backlinks. These are links from other sites that point to your domain. If you have incoming links from high-ranking types of websites, this will tell Google that your site is also valuable and reputable.

In the beginning, it can be hard to attract backlinks from these types of websites. To get the ball rolling, you can opt to create guest posts for other sites (just make sure they have a good page rank) in exchange for a link back to your own site.

3. Make Sure Your Website It Easy to Navigate

If your website is hard to navigate or isn’t optimized for mobile, this can chase away visitors and drive up your bounce rate. If you have a high bounce rate this signals to Google that people want to get away from your page as quickly as possible which can hurt your ranking.

4. Improve Your Pageload Speed

Another factor that can drive up your bounce rate is page load speed. The slower a page, the more chance there is that visitors will click away before it even loads.

Google also directly factors your page load speed into your rankings.

To optimize your page load speed you can reduce the file size of images and media, reduce the number of plugins you’re using, and make sure that you choose a good hosting provider.

There’s More to Learn Around How to Rank Higher on Google

If you want to learn how to rank higher on Google, these 4 core tips are a stellar start. However, improving your Google rankings can take more than simply writing good content, acquiring backlinks, and reducing your bounce rate.

If you want to learn more about what it takes to run a successful website, check out our business section.

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