How to Ride In Rain


Many people love to ride in the rain, whereas some don’t. It depends on one’s outlook, how a person behaves during the rainfall. Some people take it as a challenge and enjoy the ride, whereas it may be a frightening experience for many others. If you are riding for the last few years, you must have come across rain in spring and winter during your journey.

Many riders think that when the rain starts, they should keep their motorcycles in their garages and just enjoy rainy weather inside their houses until the sunshine starts again. Those people miss the unforgettable experience which involves a lot of fun. However, it provides you to utilize your changing riding experience.

There are a few useful tricks and techniques which always help in a good ride during wet weather:

Prepare properly before you leave

Before you take up your motorcycle seat, make proper preparations. A waterproof jacket that covers your body and clothes, leather or rubber gloves covering your hands, waterproof shoes, and a helmet covering your head and eyes can save you from rain or storm. Hence you will be able to enjoy your ride.

Before starting your ride, check the motorcycle engine and engine oil, etc. Check your tires. They must not be worn, and pressure should be accurate. Check your tires is essential before each ride but especially in rainy weather.

According to Brian at Rev Corner, “Riding a motorcycle with worn out or defective wheels can be extremely dangerous.” Here is his comprehensive guide on the best motorcycle tires that will help you choose the perfect fit for your motorcycle.

Be Careful and Alert

Slippery roads and paths are dangerous. Therefore you should be careful and keep your mind alert during the ride. If you find the dry path, adopt it rather than continuing on a wet track. I have seen many riders ignoring the dry path or pavement and continue riding on the wet path.

Slippery roads maximize your chances of an accident. Especially you have to be more careful at night or when the weather is foggy. The use of mirrors is essential when you ride, especially in wet weather, so that you should be aware of what’s happening behind.

Practice with Riding Controls

When riding, your motorcycle controls play a very vital role. The appropriate and calculated use of the clutch, gear, and brake makes riding more enjoyable and safe. Don’t ride in the middle of the lane as cars and heavy vehicles coming from behind may not notice your motorcycle. Under these circumstances, if you apply an emergency brake and fall, it may threaten your life. On the road, keep yourself relaxed and avoid abrupt moves, for example, sudden braking or speeding.

Smooth control of your motorcycle is necessary, and that can be achieved by using your brakes softly. There is no need to put your hands or feet on brakes firmly. Proper use of both front and rear brakes will provide easy control of your motorcycle. For safe riding when it’s wet, the use of the rear brake helps to stable the chassis. When applying the brake, don’t put any of your feet on the ground as there are greater chances of landing on a slippery surface. Consequently, you may fall with your motorcycle.

Keep your speed in check

During rain time, your motorcycle speed must be half of that as in the normal weather. When you are in traffic, the distance between your motorcycle and the vehicle in front of you should be greater than normal conditions so that you can stop your motorcycle in case of any emergency.

Beware of the slippery surfaces

Sometimes there is oil, diesel, or sand on the road, which you cannot see due to water on your path. In such a case, your assessment of speed is critical. You have to keep a closer look at the traffic speed, especially on the vehicles in front of your motorcycle and behind it.

If you pass over oil, sand, keep your hands relaxed on the motorcycle handle rather than holding tight. Also, be careful about painted lines or any other shiny surfaces because they are more slippery during rain.

Some points are more challenging

You also have to exercise extra caution at the intersections. When yellow light is on the signal, try to stop your motorcycle smoothly rather than panic when the red light goes on. In such cases, there is a danger of collision with the vehicles coming from another side.

Similarly, the appropriate railway lines at railroad crossings become slippery during rain and become dangerous for the riders. Make yourself safer by passing a railway track perpendicularly. Also, remember that rainbows are very dangerous at intersections and railway crossings; hence be careful at these spots.

Last but not least, one more thing about which you have to be careful is manhole covers hiding below the rainwater. If you encounter a cover early, slow down your motorcycle and change your path but if you are on it, don’t try to change the speed, just pass smoothly from it. Similarly, metal bridges hidden under the water are dangerous for riders, and they must be careful about them.


As you practice these tips and tricks for riding in the rain, you will gain more confidence over time. Eventually, you will start having real fun while the clouds are bucketing down. Though you will face some nerve-wracking challenges during your journey, keep yourself calm and composed.

During the downpour, the comfort, grip, and visibility are reduced. So the key to a safe journey in such wet conditions is keeping your motorcycle under control. Don’t forget your basic gear before heading out on a rainy day. Wear suitable gloves, anti-slip boots, and a good quality helmet.

Before you leave, make sure that your motorcycle engine and tires are in perfect condition. One should remain vigilant on the slippery roads, painted lines, and sticky surfaces during the ride. If you find dry paths, prefer them and leave wet routes. During the ride, you should have proper riding and speed controls.

With proper preparations before the ride and precautions using tips and tricks during the ride, you can avoid the dangers of accidents and enjoy the motorcycle ride in rainy and wet weather.

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