How to Securely Attach Your Bikes to Your RV


When traveling with your bike it should be a worry-free situation, just strap your bike into your RV rack then get going. But this isn’t the case for most of us and normally it tends to feel dangerous and like your bike is going to fall off your RV at any second, which can prove to be a very stressful situation. This is a very real possibility and if your bike ends up hitting another car when it falls off, it could turn your fun family trip into a fatal car accident.

There are some very easy ways in which to avoid this however which will be discussed below.

Selecting the Right RV Rack

Choosing the right bike rack for your RV (popup campers/trailers/truck campers) is tricky and requires to consider a good number of factors. ApexBikes expert provides a detailed guide on which bike racks to buy for your popup campers as well as shows the list of buying factors for your considerations before you are out for purchasing one for you.

There are a lot of cheap and flimsy RV racks out there flooding the market, which can result in crucial malfunctions that put the lives of the other drivers on the road in danger. Selecting a high-quality rack that is durable, easy to use, and compatible with your RV can take away a lot of this unneeded stress and keep everybody on our roadways safe.

The expert team over at The Biking Apex provide you as the consumer with great insight into which racks are the best along with which racks will fit the needs of you and your family. Their team gives great summaries that tell you all about the exact specifications of each bike rack along with descriptions of all the racks features, insight into how to install the rack properly, tell you how many bikes it can hold, how easy it is to use, what kind of RV’s the rack is compatible with, how expensive they are, and lastly how secure it will hold onto your bicycles.

Properly using your RV Rack

A very common mistake that people make is buying a high-quality RV rack and then not knowing how to properly use it or just being lazy and choosing to not follow the proper procedures. This proves to be just as dangerous as not using a rack at all because companies design their racks to be used in one specific way and do not cover any damages that may be obtained from improper use.

I strongly advise that you always follow the manufacturer’s exact instructions on how to use your chosen RV rack every time you use it. I would also recommend that you go above and beyond the minimum level of stability by purchasing some extra ratchet straps to give your rack a second level of support along with a high-end lock that will prevent people from tampering with your bicycles when they are on the rack.

In conclusion, traveling with bikes can prove to be a dangerous task as they pose the threat of falling off and seriously injuring somebody. This can be nearly completely avoided, however by purchasing a high-quality bike rack for your RV, properly installing the rack, always following the manufacturer’s exact instructions on how to use it, and lastly investing in some ratchet straps as well as a quality lock in order to provide your rack with an extra level of security.

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