How to Spend Time at a Casino without Gambling


Have you ever wondered how casinos work? They are designed to make you spend as much money as possible. Through their architectural design, lights, and sounds, they create an environment that makes you feel good.

Time stops at casinos as they make it a point to not display the time. And even if you decide to leave, you won’t be able to do it quickly because of their maze-like architecture and strategically located gaming machines and gaming sections, encouraging you to play more before you exit. These are some of the casino tricks that most patrons don’t know.

Guest author Klara Czerwinska, shares some useful tips on how you can spend time at a casino without gambling. To find out more about Klara Czerwinska, click here.

One of the best ways to beat the house is to stay away from the gambling tables, which will make you wonder what else one can do at a casino. Interestingly, there are plenty of things to do in Vegas without gambling, and here are eight good ideas.

Check out for more information.

Have Something to Eat

Casinos partner with some of the finest restaurants in the world, where you can taste different types of cuisines. The food courts and eateries are endless; moreover, they suit all budgets. You can go in for a value buffet or grab a fine dining experience at a restaurant.

Grab a Drink

You will find some of the best bars in the city at the casino. Finding the drink of your choice is easier as all the bars are under one roof. For example, you will find several varieties of themed bars in The Cosmopolitan, including The Chandelier, a multi-level bar made of seven million crystals.

Instead of losing money at the gaming tables, you can just relax with mocktails, cocktails, or champagnes.

Free To Play Games At Online Casinos

You can stay at any casino resort hotel in Las Vegas and access an online casino as online gambling is legal in Las Vegas. You can enjoy free-to-play games at these casinos as you don’t have to use real money to do so.

Polish players don’t have to travel to Las Vegas to enjoy both free-to-play and real money cash games. This is because there are a number of reputed and trustworthy online casinos catering to the Polish market. A number of these casinos give out great welcome bonuses to new players. If you are looking for a good bonus, you can find it at bonus bez depozytu.

Watch People

Find a relaxing place to sit and watch the other visitors to the casino. Have fun watching them walk, talk, and interact with one another. You will never get bored doing this as casinos attract a wide range of people from different parts of the world. Instead of watching people, you can also choose to interact with people from different walks of life.

Work in a Casino

You don’t have to visit a casino or gamble at a casino to have fun. A casino job can be just as exciting. Casinos publish employment opportunities on their official websites. You just have to apply and hope for the best.

Casino employees can also relax and enjoy a few games at the end of their shift. Many poker pros started as dealers at the gaming tables before playing poker full time.

Visit the Sports Betting Area and Watch a Game

Some of the biggest casinos offer a sports betting area, where you can watch the games on TV and place sports bets. These sportsbooks do not permit non-bettors to hang around and watch games during busy hours. But they don’t mind you watching a game when there aren’t many bettors around.

Go Shopping

Usually, people don’t go to the casino for shopping. But shopping is one of the options for visitors who don’t want to gamble in Vegas. Most casinos have gift shops and a few have entire shopping sections attached to their partner hotels. Some hotel-casinos in Las Vegas are attached to strings and strings of indoor stores, where you can purchase a variety of items ranging from jewellery to footwear.

Get a Spa Treatment

Originally, casinos partnered with spas so that the women could have something to do when the men played blackjack and poker. But the casino spas of today cater to both men and women. If you don’t want to play, you can spend all day or half a day in a spa getting pampered.

Have a Swim

You can swim in the hotel casino’s swimming pool. Some casinos also offer amusements such as water slides and lazy rivers. For example, Oklahoma’s 7 Clans Casino offers an indoor water-themed park, which includes a 329-feet lazy river and a 30-ft water slide.

Make sure to take your swimwear next time you visit a casino.


You can use one or more of the following options to spend time at a casino and not use any real money to gamble. Have fun!

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