How to throw a fabulous at-home bachelorette party?


So your friend or sister is betrothed and you’re bestowed with the responsibility of throwing a bachelorette party to honour her last days as a single woman. On one hand, you can take a trip down to Sin City and host a classic bachelorette. But that whole affair is simply too much work. From picking out dates when everyone is free to booking tickets and making reservations, it’s time-consuming and exhausting. Not to mention, extremely expensive as well.

Might we suggest a more affordable yet equally fabulous alternative? Throw a bachelorette party wherever you reside. Check out our tips for throwing a bachelorette party that’s in no way less than a Vegas experience.

Plan a spa day

Many brides-to-be don’t enjoy heavy drinking and partying before the big day. For them, it would be best to plan a spa day. There’s nothing better than enjoying relaxing massages and pampering yourself before the wedding. It is the perfect way to take a break for the wedding planning chaos.

Host a grown-up sleepover

Whether you are 13 or 30, sleepovers will never go out of style. You can host a bachelorette sleepover for the bridal entourage. Give it a grown-twist with themed cocktails and scrumptious food. You add to the fun with risqué party games.

Plan a murder mystery party

For the bride who loves mysteries, host a themed murder mystery party. You and your friends will spend the evening donning characters and solving a fictitious murder. To up the glamour quotient, make it a costume party!

Go pub-crawling

Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned pub crawl? You can decide all the hotspots you want to hit or make it a spontaneous adventure.

To take it to the next level, plan a pub crawl with a scavenger hunt. It guarantees a night you’ll never forget!

Have an indoors casino night

Even if your town doesn’t have a casino, you can still organise a casino night for the bride. Thanks to the internet, you can play a variety of casino games online. From Poker to Slots to Blackjack, you can play it all indoors. Discover some of the best offers and casino bonuses for you to play with at online casinos today, please visit for the 2020 bonuses.

Go camping

For the outdoorsy bride-to-be, take the bridal party on a camping trip. It’s a great bonding experience that allows the bride to take a breather before the big day. If you’re seeking something luxurious, then we suggest booking a glamping trip. It promises all the fun of camping without the mess.

Take a fun class

A bachelorette party with drinking and dancing has been done to death. If you’re looking for something unique to do instead, take a class! There are several options available. You can book a cooking class or give pole dancing a try.

Go to a concert

What’s more memorable than watching your favourite band play live with your best friends? Treat the bride-to-be to a night out to a concert or a music festival.

Do adventure sports

From sky-diving to paragliding, look for adventure sports to do in your city. This idea is out there but only a few brides would love it.

Host a Karaoke night

Anyone can become a great singer after a couple of drinks. Put this theory to test with a Karaoke-themed bachelorette party. You can rent a Karaoke machine or book a table at a Karaoke bar. Either way, it’s gonna be a blast!

Plan a staycation

You can book a hotel room or Airbnb and host a night in with movies and room service. It’s simple yet delightful.

We hope these tips help you plan the ultimate bachelor party. Good luck!

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