How to Use Digital Marketing to Your Advantage When Selling Your Home


In this day and age, selling a home is nothing like it used to be. Sure, people still use realtors and set up open houses and showings, but the internet and technology provide countless tools to help us put our listing out there. While technology gives us a lot of resources, it also ups the level of competition among other people selling their homes. If you’re someone who wants to sell their home, you’ll want to get to know the basics of digital marketing before you jump right into it. Luckily, many real estate agents these days have a grasp on this as well, but having a proper understanding is going to help you sell your house with success. Here’s our advice.

Understand What Digital Marketing Is

Before the internet existed, people relied on newspaper ads and word of mouth to help sell their homes. While people still do use these tactics, they’ll also use technology to their advantage. Digital marketing is the use of the internet and its tools––i.e. Google and Facebook–– to help sell a product or a service. In the case of real estate, there are countless platforms to help people sell their houses fast.

Hire a Tech Savvy Realtor

A real estate agent is going to be your best bet if you want to sell your house fast and for the most amount of money. However, not all agents are the same. If you’re someone who wants to take advantage of all of the things that technology has to offer, then find a real estate agent who can meet you in the middle. When interviewing agents, ask them what platforms they rely on, if they are good with social media, and what their marketing experience is. These questions will help you find someone who matches well with your needs.

Take Advantage of Social Media

These days, almost everyone is on social media. Whether it be Facebook or Linkedin, people are logging on at all hours of the day. Use social media platforms to your advantage when you want to sell your house. The best part about this is the fact that unless you are using digital ads, it’s free! Share your listing with all of your friends and followers and have them share the post. Additionally, your particular area might have a real estate dedicated Facebook group in which people can post their listings to people who are on the lookout for a new home in your area. Be consistent and be open to potential buyers.

Hire a Good Photographer

When it comes to digital marketing, images are worth more than a thousand words. There is a lot of competition on the internet, and people are going to be looking at pictures. Hiring a professional photographer might sound daunting, but it is definitely worth the investment. They’ll be able to capture the “million-dollar” angles. When it comes to selling your home on the internet, you’ll want to show off the best angles possible. Poor quality photos are only going to represent a poor quality space, even if your spot is top tier. Find a photographer who you trust and who has experience in photography.

Be Mindful of Descriptions

As we mentioned, images can be worth more than a thousand words. If the images are paired with good descriptions, you’re going to be set up for success. Having the best descriptions for your listing is going to work in your favor. Use keywords that aren’t too flashy, but that describes your listing well. Be sure to highlight the best features of your space and use phrases that will draw in readers. Use proper grammar and be intentional with the words that you use.

Selling a home on the internet comes with a lot of benefits. However, if you’re not sure how to use the tools that you have, you might not fare well among other sellers in your market. Use some of the tools and ideas above when you decide to sell your home this year!

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