How We’re Celebrating Our 30th Anniversary


I can’t believe it’s already been 30 years! It feels like we walked down the aisle just last year, but we’ve been married for three whole decades.

Our anniversary is next week, and we have some exciting plans. Here are just a few of the ways we’re celebrating on our special day!

Once-in-a Lifetime Trip to Hawaii

We’ve been planning a trip to Hawaii to celebrate our anniversary, and our flight is right around the corner! We’ve never been there, so we’re looking forward to exploring the island and spending some quality time with each other. I can’t wait to soak up the sun at the beach and explore the local culture and food. It’ll be so much fun to relax by the ocean!

To top it all off, we’re both getting massages on the beach and taking a few romantic sunset photos together. What a wonderful way to commemorate the occasion!

Going to a Fancy Hawaiian Restaurant

On special nights, my husband and I usually book a table at the fancy Italian restaurant in our city. But since we’re spending our anniversary in Hawaii, we decided to get a reservation at an upscale Hawaiian venue instead. I’m so excited to try their traditional food and know the evening will be perfect!

Watching Rom-Coms by the Fire

Of course, the celebration won’t end in Hawaii. When we return, we’re planning to enjoy a romantic night in watching movies by the fire. My husband and I love old flicks, so we’re looking forward to cuddling and laughing lots. I already know what I’m making for dinner that night: lasagna and garlic bread, his favorite! He’s going to love it.

My favorite movie genre is romantic comedy. I’m sure that he’ll end up falling asleep in the middle of the film, but that’s okay, because the next morning, I’m going to wake him up with my signature breakfast dish: an omelet with bacon, sausage, and gravy!

What’s a Picnic Without Champagne?

Once we get back from Hawaii, we’re going on a picnic with a bottle of champagne. We love brie cheese and bread and can’t wait to spend some time outdoors at the nearby park. The weather will be beautiful, and the scenery will be perfect. Our area is so nice this time of year!

Afterward, we can come home and enjoy a nice dinner together. I can’t wait!

Getting Our Wedding Bands Restored After 30 Years

Just about every day for the last 30 years, we’ve worn our original wedding bands. They’re beautiful, but my husband getting them restored in time for our anniversary. Time hasn’t taken too kindly to them, so getting them refurbished is the obvious next step. My husband has also been talking about adding diamonds to the bands to symbolize our enduring love for each other. What a beautiful gesture!

I can’t wait to show our rings to our friends and family after our anniversary celebration.

Topping It All Off with Facelifts

Our wedding bands aren’t the only things that have aged—over the years, my husband and I have developed all kinds of lines, wrinkles, and droopy skin. So, we’re going to get our faces rejuvenated by getting each getting a mini facelift in New York. The procedures will tighten and smooth our skin and will help us look and feel 10 years younger!

Our facelifts will be the key to celebrating this very special occasion. I look forward to seeing what we both look like—it’ll be like stepping into a time machine!



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