“Hunting” the sport for lords


Imagine, what if we were to live in a world with no technology, civilization, and proper societies? if we had to spend our entire life surviving and hunting to feed or with the fear of being hunted? Seems scary? Of course, it is. But such a world despite its cruelty would definitely make one master in hunting and surviving skills. Not in human societies though, but in the wild world of animals the scenario is much more than that. You need to have skills of tracking down your target, using the prey and setting up a trap. All of the above, you must be good at gunshots or archery with the best bows for hunting, because we cannot fight animals and birds barehanded. These all are the reasons why hunting is called a sport for lords.

Ancient Hunting and Importance of Bows

In ancient times, emperors, kings, or lords used to hunt in wilderness to practice and to master in their warfare skills. They used to bring hunting parties with them along with the best archers and trackers, so the target wouldn’t have a chance to flee or retaliate. Then, there was no modern long-range weapons, so they had to rely on the bows. Long range and quicker bows were considered to be the best bows for hunting. Later, they were also used in real wars. The world developed and bows were replaced by the longer-range guns. But yet, guns cannot be alternate to bows in every aspect.

Worth Reading: Best Crossbows 

Why Bows and not Guns?

Today, we have advanced guns with long-range and multi shots, but still they cannot succeed bows. Guns make noise, which means a single shot is enough to alert the entire area, bullets could cause injury or spread infection, as a result the target could become uneatable. On the other hand, bows don’t have such cons, plus they are also safer than guns. We have prepared a list of 3 best bows for hunting that are easy to use and fair in prices.

Best Bows for Hunting

  1. Safari Choice Professional Hunting Bow
  2. SAS Scorpii 55 Lb 29”
  3. Gen-X Bow – RH/LH

Safari Choice Professional Hunting Bow

With light weight of 3.31 lbs., brace height of 7” and axle to axle 31” Safari Choice Professional hunting bow is the best choice for hunting, if you are planning to spend your vacation in the wilderness or hunting sites. It’s adjustable draw weight of 19-70 lbs.  and draw length of 19-30 make its useful for ample activities, such as hunting, practicing, playing or even shooting long range targets. It’s extraordinary features and admiration among archers make it stand among the top best bows for hunting.

SAS Scorpii 55 Lb 29”

SAS Scorpii 55 is one of the best bows and also admired among other bows manufactured by SAS. Its draw weight of 30-55 lbs. and adjustable draw length between 19” and 29” allow you to hunt down your target in a single shot -if you have a fine shot of course-, net weight of 3.3 lbs. makes it easy to carry and to shoot while running as well. Its brace height is of 7 ½” and axle to axle 28. The max speed of 260 fps would leave for the target no time to escape from your arrow. There are more features of Scorpii 55 that can only be discovered while using.

Gen-X Bow – RH/LH

Decent design, easy to use, fair in prices and long durable are some of the ample specifications of Gen-X Bow. It is particularly designed for hunting and commonly for anyone who knows to use a bow, whether he is skilled or just a beginner. It’s easy to use feature is more compatible for basic learners who want to become skilled archers rapidly. Its’ standard draw weight is 40 lbs. However it can be lowered to 25 lbs. for more safety. The required wrench for lowering the draw is provided with the package. Moreover, it encompasses draw lengths between 21” to 30”. Brace height is 7 5/8” and axle to axle 35½”. Whether you are going for hunting or just want to learn archery, Gen-X Bow – RH/LH is one of the best bows for learning hunting.


Archery is a sports and hunting is a passion. To combining these two together makes a real professional. These are few of the best bows that are specially designed for hunting, having many features. Simply, pick one that matches the best with your skills. It’s the time to begin the fun and it starts when you hold the bow and aim the target.

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