Interior Painting Tips for the DIY Painter


Do you love painting and decorating your home but don’t want to learn the tough skill of interior coating? Or maybe you just need some advice on which colors look best in certain rooms. In either case, this blog post is for you. We’ve compiled a list of easy-to-follow painting tips for the DIY painter that will help make your interior painting more successful. As noted by Surepaint, every successful interior painting project requires adequate planning.

Safety Comes First

Painting is a worthwhile undertaking, but not necessarily a safe one. Wear eye protection at all times. Your eyes are extremely delicate, so protect them whenever you are near paint. If paint gets in your eyes, use cool water to flush it out immediately and seek medical attention. 

If you are painting on ceilings, always make sure that you are wearing protection for your face and eyes. You don’t want to end up with a puffy eye or worse from splatters of paint and masking tape. 

Do not use a ladder that is damaged. If it is wobbly, take it out of service before beginning your painting job. While you may feel like saving the money on the ladder, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You don’t want to be halfway up a rickety ladder when it gives out and leaves yourself staring at hardwood floors for a few hours while you recover in an emergency room.

Proper Ventilation

Make sure that the room where you are going to be working is well-ventilated at all times. Good ventilation is the key to a healthy and happy painting experience. If you have a window nearby that can be opened, do so and allow natural ventilation to take over.

Clean It Up

For professional results, it’s important to do a good job of cleaning your walls and ceilings. This is doubly important if you have water stains or are trying to paint over existing paint. To do this, you’ll need to scrape out any loose materials on the surface. You’ll also want to remove all air conditioner or heater vents; these will get in the way of your painting and make things more difficult for you.

Any time you sand your surface, be sure to vacuum afterward. This will help spread the dust and make sure it doesn’t settle back into your fresh paint job. If you are painting over existing paint, use a primer first to cover up any imperfections or stains on your walls.

Guidelines Are Good

Unless you have amazing vision, it’s smart to take some measurements before you begin to paint. First, figure out the dimensions of each wall and how much space is between them.

You should also measure the ceiling, as well as any of the other horizontal surfaces. After this is done, you’ll have a better idea of what you’ll be working with and how much paint you’ll need to get everything covered.

Go With The Color Scheme

Choosing the right color scheme is a good way to help keep things organized. You’ll want to use the same color scheme for all of your walls and ceilings; this will make it easier to figure out where you’re going later on. For example, white walls with light blues or greens on top are a good way to give things an open feel. Be sure you have plenty of light fixtures and artwork that’s in line with the room’s theme so that it all matches up nicely.

Now’s The Time To Paint! 

If you’ve managed to take all of these precautions before your job begins, then you’ll probably make it through without a problem. But, if you’re in a hurry, it’s not the best idea. Going off schedule can lead to uneven paint coverage on the walls or ceilings. Not only will this lead to unattractive results, but it could actually damage your work as well.

You might also want to take some precautionary measures when you’re dealing with an existing paint job in your home. To do this, make sure to protect any furniture with sheets of plastic or drop cloths. In addition, put down some painter’s tape on the floors so that they don’t get ruined from any drips.

When you’re working on your living room, it might be best to clear out this space from your regular belongings. In addition, you’ll want to shut off any air conditioning and heat for the area. This will prevent interior painting damage to your home and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

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