Is Genetics a Good Career?


We live in exciting times. Many interesting new careers and unusual opportunities that never existed before are now available.

If you’re interested in a career in the medical field, a world of options awaits you.

A genetics degree will lead to either a career in scientific research or in a genetics-oriented medical firm. If you later decide to change careers, you can redirect your high-level knowledge and skills to other fields of scientific research or medicine.

The New Frontier of Molecular Genetics

One rapidly expanding field is molecular genetics because one day sequencing technology will make it possible to sequence the complete human genome.

The field is developing novel diagnostic methods and medical treatment strategies. You will study about complex inherited genetic disorders like Angelman syndrome and genetic engineering tools like CRISPR technology for editing genomes by altering DNA sequences and modifying genetic functions.

Because gene therapy has the potential to eliminate most disease at the molecular level, it will obviate pharmacologic treatments and surgery.

Benefits of Earning a Genetics Degree

When you study genetics, you will also numerous skills based on your academic work, biological research, and laboratory practicum. Besides allowing you to take your pick from a wide range of jobs in genetics, you’ll also be a perfect candidate for many jobs not directly related to genetics.

Here, for example, are a sample of knowledge and skills you’ll acquire when you study for a genetics degree:

  • You’ll know how to sift, sort, analyze, and interpret large volumes of scientific data.
  • You will learn how to think clearly, logically, and precisely.
  • You will sharpen your mathematical and computer skills.
  • You will be able to speak or write about current issues in science that stir up ethical debates.
  • You will master the art of communication. Besides learning how to write reports and give presentations, you’ll also get good at simplifying complex ideas into plain language for lay audiences.
  • You will learn a plethora of business-building skills such as time management, business planning, self-reliance, initiative, project management, and problem-solving.
  • You will develop strong interpersonal skills that will empower you to lead teams.

Career Choices

After you get your genetics-based degree, many careers will be open for you:

  1. If you like learning new things, then you can work as an academic or clinical researcher.
  2. If you love figuring things out, then you can be a clinical scientist in genomic or immunology. You could also become a research scientist in the life sciences or in the medical field.
  3. If you’re more interested in the botanical side of genetics rather than the biological side, then you could become a geneticist plant breeder or a pharmacologist.
  4. If you’re more interested in helping people than doing research, then you could become a genetic counselor.
  5. If after you choose and work on one of these careers, you decide that genetics isn’t the right field for you, you don’t have to go back to school to get a new degree because you could leverage your existing knowledge and skills to become a clinical scientist in the physiological scientist, a physician associate, an epidemiologist, a science writer, a scientific laboratory technician, or a medical sales representative.

A World of Opportunity

You will never run out of options for finding a good paying job after earning a degree in molecular genetics because you will have rare and valuable knowledge and skills.

Besides jobs in health service—places like pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and universities—you will also be able to find a good position in other industries, such as food and beverage, biotechnology, research, consultancies, and health and beauty.

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