Learn the Story of Bessica Raiche


Discover the fascinating story of Bessica Raiche, a trailblazing woman who broke conventional norms and climbed to incredible heights on a captivating voyage through time. Her story, packed with bravery, persistence, and tireless pursuit of her aspirations, deserves to be told. Join us as we dig into the incredible life of an extraordinary aviator who not only shattered barriers but also left an indelible stamp on history. Bessica Raiche’s tale is a monument to the strength of resilience and the limitless potential that lay inside us, from her pioneering flights in the early days of aviation to her indomitable spirit in the face of hardship. Continue reading and be inspired as we reveal the chapters of her life, revealing a story that will leave you in awe and adoration. 

Who is Bessica Raiche?

Bessie Faith Medlar, born in April 1875 in Beloit, Wisconsin, emerged as a trailblazing figure, challenging the restrictive roles society imposed on women during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Unwilling to conform to societal expectations, she pursued a diverse range of interests, refusing to be confined by the limitations imposed upon her gender. Bessie’s passions encompassed an array of pursuits, including driving cars and engaging in art, music, and linguistics. She also exhibited exceptional skill as a swimmer and marksman, fearlessly defying gender stereotypes and defying the expectations imposed upon her.

Throughout her formative years, Bessie and her family frequently relocated. By 1880, they had settled in Rockford, Illinois, where Bessie had already adopted the moniker “Bessie F. Medler.” Eventually, in 1900, she established herself as a dentist in New Hampton, New Hampshire, adopting the name Faith Medlar.

However, Bessie’s defiance of cultural norms extended beyond her diverse interests and accomplishments. She boldly challenged societal conventions by proudly donning “bloomers,” loose-fitting pants considered scandalous and improper during that era. Through her choice of attire, Bessie conveyed her proto-feminist ideals, advocating for women’s rights and liberation, even when such notions were not widely recognized or accepted.

Career in Music and Aviation

Bessica Raiche possessed a multitude of talents and interests, one of which was her passion for singing. She was sent to Paris to pursue her musical studies, where she not only immersed herself in the world of music but also became exposed to the rapid advancements in aircraft technology. During her time in Paris, she had the awe-inspiring opportunity to witness the extraordinary flight demonstrations by the Wright Brothers and the remarkable aviation feats accomplished by Raymonde de la Roche, both of which ignited an unwavering spark of inspiration within her.

Upon her return to the United States, Bessica Raiche joined her life with François Raiche, a Frenchman who shared her fervor for aviation. Together, they embarked on an ambitious endeavor to design and construct their own biplane, transforming their living room into an imaginative workspace and their garden into a workshop. Throughout the arduous process of bringing their vision to life, they encountered numerous obstacles, including the challenge of acquiring a sufficiently powerful engine for their aircraft. Undeterred, they made resourceful choices by opting for lighter materials such as bamboo and silk, in contrast to the canvas traditionally used by the Wright Brothers.

In a bold departure from societal norms, Bessica Raiche assumed the role of the pilot for their biplane. Her selection as the pilot was driven not only by her expertise but also by her lighter weight, which helped minimize the overall weight of the aircraft. This audacious decision flew in the face of prevailing societal standards that deemed such activities unsuitable for women.

Nevertheless, fueled by their unwavering determination, Bessica and François persevered in the face of adversity, and their relentless efforts bore fruit. Bessica Raiche emerged as the first woman in the United States to conceive, construct, and successfully pilot her own airplane. This extraordinary achievement stands as a testament to her indomitable spirit and embodies the pioneering essence that has characterized women’s contributions to the field of aviation.

Soaring Against the Odds: Bessica’s First Flight

Bessica Raiche’s unwavering determination and fearless pursuit of aviation as a pioneering aviator serves as an inspiration to all. Despite her lack of flying experience, she fearlessly embarked on a quest to defy gravity, seeking guidance from a mechanic who imparted the fundamental principles of aircraft handling. Drawing upon the knowledge she acquired, Bessica and her husband ventured to construct their own biplane within the confines of their living room and backyard, ingeniously utilizing lightweight materials like bamboo and silk to keep the aircraft’s weight at a minimum.

On September 16, 1910, Bessica Raiche etched her name in history by taking her inaugural solo flight at Hempstead Plains, New York. Remarkably, she had received no formal aviation training, with her sole instruction being a mechanic’s gesture, pointing to the control wheel and providing simple directions: “pull it this way to go up and push it that way to go down.” Undeterred by these limited instructions, she soared a few feet above the ground, gliding with grace over the runway.

Nevertheless, during her fifth flight, an unfortunate collision with a depression in the ground resulted in a harrowing crash. The nose of the aircraft plunged into the earth, and the biplane came crashing down upon her. Astonishingly, Bessica Raiche remained remarkably composed, assuring her rescuers that she had miraculously escaped unharmed. Even amidst the chaos, she instructed the crew to return the wreckage to the shed before seeking medical assistance.

Despite the setback, Bessica Raiche’s unyielding spirit persevered, driving her to continue pursuing her passion for aviation. With unwavering dedication, she refined her biplane and, in a triumphant moment, ascended to a height of 150 feet, becoming the first American woman to undertake a controlled, powered flight.


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The Controversy Surrounding the First Woman Aviator in the United States

Bessica Raiche is widely acknowledged as a trailblazer, credited as the first woman to independently take flight in the United States. However, the claim to this historic feat is not without contention. Blanche Stuart Scott, who inadvertently soared into the skies on September 2, 1910, just two weeks prior, also played a significant role in this narrative. Blanche’s flight, although unplanned, occurred as she was taxiing when an unexpected gust of wind propelled her airborne.

In contrast, Bessica’s flight was meticulously documented and witnessed by numerous individuals, providing substantial evidence to support her claim as the first woman to achieve a solo flight in the United States. While acknowledging Blanche’s involvement, Bessica herself affirmed, “Blanche deserved the recognition, but I garnered more attention due to the nature of my lifestyle.”

To resolve the dispute surrounding this pioneering achievement, the Aeronautical Society of America intervened. Finally, Bessica Raiche’s flight was ultimately declared the significant achievement, formally acknowledging it as the inaugural solo flight by a US woman. In a moment of honor and celebration, the Society bestowed upon Bessica a prestigious diamond-studded gold medal bearing the inscription “First Woman Aviator in America” during a lavish dinner held in her name.

Bessica Raiche’s Transition from Aviation to Medicine

Following their initial accomplishments, François and Bessica Raiche established the French-American Aeroplane Company in Mineola, New York, as they embarked on a new chapter of their aviation journey. Together, they diligently constructed a series of aircraft, including a groundbreaking design crafted by Bessica herself. Even as their endeavors flourished, Bessica continued to play an active role in testing and piloting their aircraft, fearlessly pushing the boundaries of aviation. However, fate dealt her a devastating blow when she fell seriously ill, prompting the attending physician to caution against travel and high altitudes due to the potential harm to her lungs caused by varying air pressure. Deeply contemplating this advice, Raiche made the difficult decision to step away from the aviation industry.

With her wings clipped, Bessica Raiche embarked on a new path, contemplating alternative career options. Undeterred by adversity, she set her sights on medical school, driven by her unwavering intellectual prowess. Once again, her remarkable academic abilities shone brightly as she pursued her medical degree, standing out among her peers. Upon graduation, Bessica transitioned into the field of medicine, dedicating herself to the specialized fields of obstetrics and gynecology.

Her background as a pilot proved to be an invaluable asset in her medical career, as Bessica Raiche became renowned for her unwavering composure and poise, even in the face of high-pressure situations. Respected and admired, she established herself as a prominent figure in the medical community, distinguishing herself as one of the first and pioneering women in the US to specialize in obstetrics and gynecology.

Death, Legacy, and Contributions

Tragically, on April 11, 1932, Bessica Raiche’s remarkable journey came to an end when she suffered a heart attack while peacefully sleeping, passing away at the age of 54. At the time of her untimely demise, a mere 3% of all certified pilots worldwide were female. Despite her early triumphs in aviation, Bessica never sought to acquire a pilot’s license for herself, as her focus lay primarily on the creation and construction of airplanes rather than personal recognition as a pilot.

It was Harriet Quimby who achieved the distinction of becoming the first American woman to obtain a pilot’s license, accomplishing this feat on August 1, 1911, more than a year after Bessica’s groundbreaking flight. In 1912, Quimby etched her name in the annals of aviation history by becoming the first female pilot to soar across the English Channel. Meanwhile, Bessica’s friend and fellow pilot, Blanche Stuart Scott, made her own significant mark by undertaking the first solo cross-country flight in the United States during the same year.

In the years following her retirement from aviation, Bessica Raiche’s remarkable accomplishments as an aviator were overshadowed by the achievements of other women in the field. However, it is vital not to underestimate her contributions to the aviation industry. As one of the early pioneers of flight, Bessica paved the way for future generations of female pilots and aviators, leaving an indelible mark on the trajectory of women in aviation.


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In summary, Bessica Raiche’s story embodies resilience, ingenuity, and unwavering determination. With remarkable courage and a deep passion for flying, she embarked on a journey that began with witnessing the Wright Brothers’ flight and led to the creation of her own airplane in the most unconventional of places. Despite encountering setbacks, including a crash during her first solo flight, Bessica remained steadfast in her pursuit of aviation. Later, she made significant contributions to the field of medicine, blazing a trail as a pioneer in obstetrics and gynecology. Her story stands as a testament to the fact that one’s gender should never serve as a barrier to achieving greatness.

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