Local SEO Guide and Advice for Healthcare Marketing


An effective way for healthcare professionals to increase their business and gain traction among people is to utilize SEO services. By using top SEO techniques, a doctor can direct local patients towards their practice in an effortless manner. Consulting with top SEO in Perth Service providers can also help in this field.

Importance of SEO in healthcare

It is essential to understand why SEO matters in the field of healthcare. One can increase brand awareness about their healthcare services using SEO. The points listed below can help explain the importance.

  1. A healthcare professional can reach more patients in their locality by bettering their website crawlability for the web crawlers that each engine sends it. This can also help rank the healthcare website on a search engine results page, implying that your service will be easily visible when local searches are conducted.
  2. By using top SEO Perth services, a healthcare website can create a good first impression. This can make patients more inclined to use your services, engage with you, and get familiar with your overall brand.
  3. By increasing a healthcare site’s user experience, one can help create a better experience for patients who visit it and also leave a better perception of your brand in the mind of visitors. Furthermore, you should consider a healthcare marketing agency that will assist you with your SEO journey. They can also simplify things for you.
  4. Using SEO, a healthcare website can curate its content according to the needs and requirements of patients and thus provide valuable information to them.

Few ways in which SEO can help healthcare business

1. Listing your account

If a healthcare website wants to gain local traffic on their website or gain popularity with local SEO for healthcare, they first need to claim their “google my listing.” Claiming it is quick and easy, and it is also free of cost.

After claiming the business’s listing, one has to give information about their practice. This information includes their address, name of the practice, contact information, photos from your practice, hours of operation, and a small paragraph describing the services you offer, and additional information about your business.

By providing the information presented above, a healthcare service can help patients or potential consumers with detailed data about your service, and this is among the top SEO tactics.

2. Managing local listings

Once a healthcare service provider has given their information to different platforms and listed it on Google my Business, they need to manage it. A healthcare website should be careful that the information about them is correct on all platforms and is also consistent throughout.

For example, suppose a business has multiple email ids. In that case, they should make sure that they have given a single email id across all platforms to avoid confusion and increase their reliability in patients’ minds.

3. Patient reviews

Data suggests that 80% of consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations. This means that patients usually look at previous reviews to ascertain whether or not to visit your healthcare facility. Reviews help determine the quality of care offered, the behavior of the staff and highlight any problematic area of concern with a healthcare facility. This is a top SEO practice that local health care businesses must consider.

Healthcare websites need to insist that previous customers give reviews about their experiences with your services so that you can gain insights into their perceptions. Healthcare practices should also take the time to respond to all the reviews, even if they are negative, as it will help build your credibility in the market.


The information presented above can serve as a guide for healthcare marketing. In addition, top SEO in Perth service providers can help provide more strategies and insights into this field.

Author’s Bio

Shrey Jain is the Co-Founder of Writofy & a Chartered Accountant who works with a team of creative content writers. He holds a forte in creating informative content on niches like crypto, business, fintech, digital marketing, and several others. In addition, his willingness to learn and share his knowledge can immensely help readers get valuable insights on varied topics.


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