Machines vs. Humans: The Pros and Cons of AI Content Generators


There is a real twenty-first century dilemma when it comes to the concept of replacing humans with computers. Many different industries have been able to do this successfully while other industries have determined that a computer cannot serve them in the way a human would. Today we are going to look at the use of AI content generators for marketing purposes, the pros and cons, and if you should start using one.

The Pros

Helps with Search Engine Optimization

SEO guidelines are not as simple as you may think. Getting your webpage to rank higher on google takes a bit more than a few strategic keywords. An AI content generator does a great job at helping writers take advantage of SEO. AI programs are able to create a basic framework for writers to follow which enables them to create content that follows SEO guidelines while still being engaging. This will end up getting your site to rank higher on Google.

More Efficient Workflow

Working with human writers comes with normal human obstacles. This includes things like limited working hours, the speed at which humans can produce work, and the occasional writer’s block. Not to mention the speed at which the content is produced. For businesses, an AI content generator can help significantly when it comes to efficiency. It will help to overcome many of the human obstacles by analyzing data and streamlining the creative process. Additionally, this will lead to a higher volume of content. This is a great way to free up your marketing department for tasks that need to be completed by a human.

Explore the capabilities of AI writing tools like Typli to elevate your writing experience, particularly in the realm of blog article creation. Typli not only assists in structuring your ideas into articulate paragraphs but also introduces advanced features such as image generation based on written text, automated list creation, and more. With Typli, transform the process of crafting blog posts into a seamless and interactive journey, ensuring the delivery of high-quality content consistently. Experience the benefits of AI autocomplete, allowing Typli to finish sentences, generate images, create headings, produce lists, and offer related quotes, simplifying and expediting content generation, especially for extensive articles. Moreover, leverage Typli’s AI Content Planner to harness the power of AI in creating keyword plans, topical maps, and content clusters with effortlessly generated long-tail keywords for your website. Typli can efficiently generate hundreds of long-tail keyword phrases in seconds, contributing to the creation of SEO-optimized content. View here to learn more about Typli’s AI writer.

Minimizes Human Error

One of the major advantages to using an AI content generator is that they can easily pick up plagiarized content. This can be helpful when it comes to publishing. Additionally, AI will pick up on spelling and grammatical errors that could be easily missed by the human eye. Especially if that human is subject to burnout or fatigue.

Cost Effective

The use of AI content generators can be extremely cost effective when it comes to your marketing budget. Although you will still need some human intervention, you will be able to significantly cut down on costs associated with hiring, onboarding, and employee compensation.

The Cons

Google May View it as Spam

Google’s search advocate John Mueller has said that automatically generated content written by AI tools is considered spam by the search engine. If your content does end up being detected as spam, Google’s webspam team would be authorized to take action, which can lead to a manual penalty. However, using an AI content generator does not guarantee that your content will be detected by google. In fact, the extent to which Google is able to detect AI written content without human assistance still remains unclear. It is also important to note that Google doesn’t take how the AI generated content is being used into consideration. Therefore, AI content in any capacity goes against Google’s webmaster guidelines.

It Lacks Pathos

Some people are able to tell pretty quickly if the content they are reading was written by a human or a computer. While AI is able to string sentences and words together in a cohesive and understandable way, the content still leaves something to be desired. What it often lacks is the storytelling component that evokes emotion and a sense of humanity. This is why many people are able to tell when a piece was composed by a computer rather than an independent-thinking human.

Human Intervention is Still Necessary

While you can increase your efficiency with an AI content generator, you will still need a person on standby to oversee the work the content generator creates. If you choose to not have someone in place to vet this content, you could quickly run into some issues. For example, there is a very real possibility that your content generator could create poorly worded or insensitive content that a human would have caught immediately. A human presence is required to understand the nuance of each topic and how it fits into the current state of the world. Additionally, humans are required for any piece that requires a specific tone toward a particular audience.

Computers or Humans?

While there are plenty of benefits to using an AI content generator for content creation, the cons are not something to overlook. You should carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether or not to implement a content generator in your marketing department. It is important to remember that most AI works best alongside human counterparts, rather than on its own.

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