More About Window Film And How It Works


Window film is self-adhesive film made from polyester that is used no glass surfaces. It can be utilized as retrofit application on existing glass for commercial buildings, homes and automobiles for upgrading of safety, solar control and appearance. Solar radiation from sunlight is separated into three categories: 

  • Observable light that you can see
  • Infrared that can be felt as heat
  • Invisible ultraviolet rays

When solar radiation hits a section of glass, the window films acts as a protective barrier that blocks the harmful UV rays and it control levels of heat and light which is passing through the glass. The number of heat and light which is rejected is contingent on the type of window film used. Common kinds of window film include:

  • Dyed or non-reflective films which mainly absorb solar energy
  • Metalized or reflective films which reflect and absorb solar energy
  • Ceramic/nano films that utilize high-tech components to give high performance

The Various Uses

Window film is utilized in various methods for controlling the negative effects of sunlight like glare, UV damage, heat and fading. By lowering heat, window film can decrease HVAC costs and make it more comfortable, at home, in the office and in your car. 

Automotive Films

Window film offers a more relaxed driving experience by lessening rejection of solar heat and glare. It can also decrease up to ninety-nine percent of damaging UV rays that decreases the long-term fading of the inside and protects your eyes and skin from UV damage. 

Commercial Or Residential Films

Window films are incredibly useful in providing eyes and skin protection through rejection of UV rays. It can also prevent your interior furnishings from fading and lasting longer. There are various colors and shades that can complement the interior design of your office or home. In some applications it can offer additional privacy. Conservatory window film installation can offer the best performance when it comes to solar film for a conservatory, whether you’re looking to stop glare or heat from UV rays. 

Trident Security And Safety Films

Collisions involving glass can result in dangerous situations, particularly in homes where children are involved. Safety film efficiently keeps broken glass intact, greatly lowering the risk of injury. Trident protective films can lower the chances of theft and vandalism as well. While they can’t prevent someone from penetrating the glass, the thickness of the film can make it trickier and more time-consuming to break through. 

Anti-Graffiti Defender Films

Glass is pricey to replace once damaged by taggers or other forms of vandalism. Many commercial business owners select removable anti-graffiti film to offer protection for the glass to prevent damages as a result of glass etching or graffiti. 

Maintenance And Care

After window film installation, it is commonplace to notice slight water pockets or haziness. This is not unusual with adhesive bonding and is referred to as bonding. Contingent on the weather conditions and the film type, it can take up to thirty days for film to be cured fully. The process is gradual due to water being used which must evaporate in time through the film.  Heavy and sputtered security films take longer to dry, and the hazy look will eventually disappear. Once cured and dried, the film is safe to be cleaned. The best recommended cleaner is a solution of water with only a small amount of soap.

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