Most Common Solar Panel Repairs


Solar panels are a popular choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. However, like any other technology, solar panels can experience issues that require repairs. In this article, we will delve deeper into the most common solar panel repairs that you may encounter and how to address them.

Cleaning and maintenance

One of the most common solar panel repairs is cleaning and maintenance. Solar panels can accumulate dust, dirt, and debris over time, which can reduce their efficiency. A solar company in Calgary can help you clean and maintain your panels to ensure they are operating at their best. This can involve cleaning the panels, checking the connections, and replacing damaged components.

It is important to regularly clean your solar panels to ensure they are working at their optimal capacity. Dust, dirt, and debris can build up on the surface of the panels, blocking the sunlight and reducing their effectiveness. A simple solution is to regularly hose down the panels or use a soft cloth to gently wipe away any dirt or debris. It is important to be gentle when cleaning the panels, as rough treatment can cause scratches or damage to the surface.

Checking connections and components

In addition to cleaning the panels, it is also important to check the connections and replace any damaged components. The connections between the panels and the rest of the system are crucial for the overall performance of the solar panel system. If a connection is loose or damaged, it can cause issues with the power output. Check the connections and replace any damaged components to ensure the system is working properly.

Weather and damaged panels

Another common issue that may require repair is a damaged panel. This can occur due to severe weather, falling debris, or other external factors. If a panel is damaged, it may need to be replaced to ensure the rest of the system is working properly.

Severe weather can be a major cause of damage to solar panels. High winds, hail, and lightning can all cause damage to the panels, as can falling debris, such as branches or other objects. If a panel is damaged, it is important to have it repaired or replaced as soon as possible to ensure the rest of the system is functioning properly.

Malfunctioning inverter

Another issue that may require repair is a malfunctioning inverter. The inverter is responsible for converting the direct current (DC) electricity produced by the panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be used in your home or business. If the inverter is not working properly, it can affect the overall performance of the solar panel system. A solar company in Calgary can diagnose and repair any issues with the inverter.

There are a few signs that your inverter may be experiencing issues. One is a noticeable reduction in the power output of the solar panel system. If you notice that your system is producing less power than usual, it could be an issue with the inverter. Another sign is an error message on the inverter display. Many inverters have an LCD that shows the status of the system, including any error messages. If you see an error message on display, it is important to have it checked out by a professional.

Mounting system

Finally, issues with the mounting system can also require repair. The mounting system is responsible for holding the panels in place and ensuring they are facing the sun at the optimal angle. If the mounting system is damaged or not working properly, it can affect the performance of the panels.

The mounting system consists of brackets and rails that hold the panels in place. It is important to ensure that the mounting system is securely attached to the roof or ground and that the panels are properly aligned. If the mounting system becomes damaged, it can cause the panels to become misaligned or even fall off completely. This can not only damage the panels, but it can also be a safety hazard. A solar company can assess the mounting system and repair or replace any damaged components. It is important to address any issues with the mounting system promptly to ensure the safety of the panels and the overall performance of the solar panel system.


In conclusion, solar panel repairs can range from cleaning and maintenance to replacing damaged panels and fixing malfunctioning inverters. It is important to address any issues with your solar panel system promptly to ensure it is operating at its best. If you are experiencing issues with your solar panel system in Calgary, be sure to contact a reputable solar company for assistance. They will be able to assess the issue and provide the necessary repairs to get your system back up and running. By keeping your solar panel system well-maintained and addressing any issues promptly, you can ensure that it continues to provide clean, renewable energy for years to come.

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